Is Assassin going to get nerfed?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ohknee, January 27, 2011.

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  1. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Yeah now that I think about it there's probably only one map I even consider sniping from in our base, usually moving up a tad will get you into a much more useful spot.
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    here's the thing, if i get a sniper he is one of those feeding idiots, that ignores what you say because he thinks he is always right, the other team will get one that just goes for players which is stupid cause he will get around 10 kills and just lose them the game, if they kill bots and pro's they are a good sniper, but sadly i rarely see them.....
  3. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    That's how most snipers are in any game. I hate snipers to be honest, they're counter-productive to the team. Not always by design, but often by choice. Hurr durr, I'm Vasily Zaytsev, look at me.
  4. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    good snipers can really help, bad ones just drag you down even more....
  5. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    Im not saying im one of those snipers who just camps near the turrets, because im not.
    In steel peel ill do just that though because
    1. i am blocking an entrance for bots AND pros to my base and
    2. because it really is the best spot to sniper , best game was 47-2 on it and completely dominated the other team.

    But maps like ammo muel, ill b sitting upon the first ramp outside the base, ill kills any bots i see, plus pros going for the anh. and other snipers.

    This is how a sniper should play, if people think they should be running into the enemy base killing turrets and the ball, youre sadly wrong. Our job is to stand at a distance, take out any bots you see heading your way, kill any pros you see, and when you get juice, push forward and try to knock out a turret.

    Anyway kinda went on their, bottom line is sniper shouldnt be rushing in, camping the base or ignoring bots. :)
  6. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    47-2.. ohhh, fancy pants
  7. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Last time I checked this thread was about nerfing assassins not Sniper K/Ds.

    Once you play more you will realise that Assassins are no biggie when you play against them.
  8. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    I'm new and I don't feel like assassins need any nerfing, although the way they can blow up turrets when nobody's home/backdoor the moneyball can getting annoying.

    :oops: I can't seem to concentrate enough to hear the cloak's hum though.
  9. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    In know way was i gloating about my k/d... And i only said it because i was stating that a sniper can so very usefull while sitting at their base...

    So instead of just reading my post, read previous posts before you jump to conclusions because i was explaining something to people that had posted before me.
  10. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Wrong. I've won the game many times as a Sniper. Juice + Lvl 3 flak+SMG absolutely RUINS the enemy's moneyball... I used to think sniper was one of the worse at it until I discovered the beauty of a juiced lvl 3 flak on it. It even has the benefit of mauling anyone that gets close to it due to the AoE.

    That said, some maps are better at "base sniping" than others. In Steel peel you can cover one of the enemy's exits from your own, so it's not a bad map to do that in. I'll say that there's a much better spot though, and easier to defend yourself, not too far off: On top of the upper "circle", right off your team's jump pad. You can lock yourself down with freeze traps so you're hard to get to, you can snipe BOTH enemy team's exits and their turrets, and you can also control the annihilator button, sniping anyone that tries to touch it from the enemy team.

    If the enemy team is pushed very far back into their base (and if you're doing your job right, and your team doesn't suck, they will be), you can either move around a bit the utter circle or jump into the annihilator "pad" to get better shots at turrets or players.

    And once you juice up, go wreck their moneyball!

    When I play assassin (or sniper really) I absolutely loooove base camping snipers. Free kills.

    I agree with you on ammo mule though, probably the best sniping positions are the ramps.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    first, i didnt realize any pro had benefits to their skills when juiced. i never seen a product grenade OHKO when the tank was juiced, ect.

    second, i dont think assassins need a nerf at high level play because you should be able to kill them off the bots. snipers should be able to keep them off friendly bots if they do nothing but juice whore. HOWEVER, it is frustrating that n00bs will let assassins juice by ignoring the bot lanes, thus making the assassin seem overpowered.

    third, any pro can do a number of things to be productive, as long as it involves assisting the objective.
  12. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I'm not sure if the Flak grenade gets a boost when juiced (the SMG totally does). It's just that I rarely go in for the moneyball as a sniper when I'm not juiced, usually just snipe it from a distance.

    I can tell you that Juice+lvl 3 Flak+SMG will absolutely rape the moneyball. Not sure if the flak gets any boost, but the SMG does, and combined with the flak it's devastating.
  13. Drakes

    Drakes New Member

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    Yeah the good sins you won't hear much, since they'll just lunge>grapple so you'll barely hear the hum for a second. And decloak when they're sure no ones around to spot them.
  14. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    What's a rough estimation on the audible distance for the hum, a lunge and a few steps? Since I wouldn't know anything was amiss until they're sticking stuff into me, due to the use of lunge as a gap closer.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You will most likely not hear good assassins, at all. There is a chance that you'll develop a spider sense for some footsteps (regular ones) amidst all the other sounds but chances are that the good assassins will still get you exactly that one split second where you let your guard down, those assassins are rather rare though.
  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I don't think the assassin is unbalanced, but I'd like to stress this once again:
  17. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Sorry for the digression but there is one problem with mail's statement. If there is only one set of rules the good players will shred it to pieces in both pub and competitive so balancing around the better players seems to be the more viable solution.

    The other solution would be splitting the rulesets but that splits the community and will make it harder for newcomers to get into competitive matches due to the discrepancy.

    It's a delicate issue, my side is clear but I see where people are coming from.
  18. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Usually the only assassins that kill me consistently are the ones that get me paranoid enough to start jump spamming since I can't hear any hum, although they always seem to get me right after I get bored/tired of jumping around like a coke fiend.
    So is jumping around sporadically a good way to keep pointy things out of me? Since I tend to try and push the majority of the time I get back stabbed is when I'm occupied with something else, like mortaring turrets.
  19. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You should only push a bit after you got rid of the threat. Same applies for Snipers on their side, move in after you killed that Sniper.

    Soften up their defense, lock them in, kill some stuff, destroy some turrets. Just minimise their chances of killing you and maximise your chances of killing them.

    Run and survive whenever you have the feeling that death might just be imminent.
  20. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Which is why I said they can, and should be balanced for competitive play. That should not be the only balance focus, though. It's important to find a good balance between the two. TF2 had problems here getting its priorities straight, and had brief stints where it would favour one or the other, whiplashing the class balance around in some cases.

    Off topic, I think the main problem with that game was the unlocks ruining the class balance. Less pronounced in the beginning, but worse and worse as time went on.
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