towers and T2 combo... I've avoided going down that path for atleast a month now... you know the towers replacing T1 and rush to T2 to win... everyone else is doing it but I avoided it... I even made it up to rank 8th on the true skill ladder.. but today I faced what I had not faced for weeks, proper tower spamming with expansion and rush to T2 and it was horrifying... my t1 play requires me to beable to expand unlike the T2 rushers however normally I am not raided or stopped by towers when these players get T2 or atleast not raided better then I raid them, however TOWERS DO NOT DIE TO ANY REASONABLE AMOUNT OF T1 UNITS! we all know this and we have been waiting for the balance patch for ages now and I know its coming but how do we think T1 play could be currently relevant when 1 double barrel tower can take out what is is atleast 10 times its metal cost out in tanks before it dies? thats horrible and before now I've been able to expand and overwhelm but with towers being put up across the whole map stopping raids and expansion without going T2 to remove them then how is T1 play even close to useful anymore.... sorry for the rant I'm abit annoyed at myself for not waiting longer to play until the balance patch but instead I thought I would be fine in the current build since few expect T1 builds -.- I was wrong I was crushed horribly and am now out of the top 20 players on the true skill and elo ladder -.- I am rather annoyed at the game not having fixed towers yet and myself for not predicting this would happen I do not want to have to join the T2 rush and tower spam as its just sooo boring of a play style... why is it so effective -.- vent/rant/rage over.
It's especially bad on small moons where the whole battle becomes a race to T2 to break a turret stalemate. Even with the turret price increases, they still are super powerful and make early game boring.
sigh, I have some ideas that would combine my old tatics with new ones, I will be looking for some people to train with in a small group over the next few days, if you are a decent/good player and interested in doing this let me know
I stopped playing altogether because of this awful balance. Very true - they were too strong before the price decrease and now they are completely ridiculous. It is their damage and rate of fire which is way over the top aswell. To add to this, units have too few hitpoints.
Yupp. I hope the voices from the forum and the results of the community internal playtest will result in Uber completely redoing T2 so it's only specialization rather than a big upgrade. I don't play this balance unless it's for a tournament, or unless it's T1 units only. T1 units only... SOOOOOO much fun!
Recently, i've been doing a fair bit of spamming turrets and walls around the other guys base and killing him with mass bomb bots. Kinda hilarious in a sad way. 1 turret in mex expansions to deny for like 5 minutes is so silly stupid
Doesn't help the t2 rush, but from playing vs the AI the other day I noticed t1 turrets with out walls can be taken out with far fewer loses. More so if you use the flame tanks...
Game is still t2 rush and turtle fest. that makes me sad. so uninstalled it for now not sure why they arent making turle near impossible. might be an idea to remove walls entirely.
as Philo says, i would keep an eye out for imminent experimental build release that totally changes the T2 balance.
I think that Towers need a HP decrease, a reload increase and Ground Units all need a huge HP increase (2-3 times) to increase the length of combat. Currently armies just melt into each other and dissolve in front of towers.
Haha, walls... expect them to have super powers any time soon if Scathis will feel that players do not use them enough. Also, I suspect that Scathis is planning to make the real Unit Cannon launch walls instead of bots. Indeed that would be fun to watch
If you had posted this thread 3 hours later, you wouldn't have had to post it at all. Enjoy the rest of your day.