Figured I'd give it a bit of time before making a thread, give most people a chance to notice on their own first. Let's see a raise of hands for those who could even tell the difference Edit {also spoiler}: For the record, I support our new HAL-eyed overlord. Still think the eye-socket part should be round though.
Just feels like it's missing something to me, which would be the jaw. I really did prefer the one with the jaw, this looks under-detailed.
That Theta commander is an ugly peice of **** so of course I never used him, and most other commanders ;p Only the Imperial Invictus and Quatrapod Commanders look cool. (also Imperial Delta looks the same as Invictus and looks cool but I can't use him) lol they look exactly the same though its like buying the super expensive part of the game to get him only to get the exact same commander with a different name for free so I do love gettin that cool commander for free
Whoo! Time to actually use the Theta Commander. Now we just need to get that rocket launcher working.
Ooh, Theta's own custom Uber cannon... A bunch of rockets! We did say we wanted some differentiation...!
I didn't like the jaw, but yeah, it does look like the eye could still use some work. (Like I said, I think it should be round. Also think it should have primary or secondary coloured plating over it to match the rest of the Theta's padded look)
Yes! Uber, my heartfelt thanks to you! This looks SO much better. Theta goes from senile old man to robotic war machine of death... what a win!