Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by RMJ, April 22, 2014.

  1. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    Every character was awesome (I liked Emir Omar the most, he was chill about everything) I hope Uber takes a line from Crusader because each personality was so unique. Even without the faces and messages, i could instantly tell you which character was which by the way they built their castle and attack methods! I know they are just robots, but the variety of commanders.

    I can see the Rallus commander being like rat, all wimpy and weak
    Invictus is an honorable but a bit to devout in his crusades against others
    Centurion...i just see his personality like the marauders in Starcraft 2 xD
    Osiris is a badass evil one, like wolf!
    Beast is well...a beast
    Aeson is defensive, only really reacts if you attack him

    Those where my ideas xD but you can see, personalities make the game ALIVE and interactive, its why so many loved Stronghold Crusader, this can be sorta like that, but in space!! =)
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I notice this build the ai techs faster. Dunno how. He still covers too much ground too fast with too many facts and units to have also got t2. He probably just overgenerously uses t2 eco when he does get it tho. When you get half your eco t2 you can put many fabbers on halley and if you literally put full build power on them they build in moments.
  3. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    A question for Sorian if he pops his head in here (or if anyone knows if he's answered this) - Will the AI communicate with/to the player like it did in the FA mod? Sending messages during team games like "Attacking 'player' " or "sending help to 'player' " etc. The taunts were always fun too. Also having the AI say "GG" at the end of the game was a nice touch.
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    So uh.... what you're saying is, you let the AI alone for 15 minutes without harassing it?

    Deserve what you got, and nothing less.

    Also Civ's AI - that has a lot to do with the one unit per tile rule for Civ V? Unless you're talking about a previous Civ, but that amounts to the same thing really - the Civ AI not having any idea about the consequences of proximity/not escorting units?

    It's the same in PA. Yes, it builds AA, because Sorian has told it to. It doesn't understand why it is building AA (as an example), so it doesn't yet respond appropriately to threats.[/quote]
  5. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Funny story (O/T I'm afraid) - the guy who wrote the AI for Civ accidentally set Gandhi's 'nuke favor' variable to the highest possible setting instead of the lowest possible setting back in Civ II. It produced such amusing results that they've kept it that way ever since.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  6. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Off topic: It actually makes a lot of sense.
    Nuclear weapons are the perfect deterrent.

    A key point here is that Gandhi in Civ is the leader of the nation. And well, what would Gandhi have done if his nation was being invaded by the Nazis under Hitler, for example? I doubt "practice nonviolence".

    Historically, it kind of does make a lot of sense for him to have such a high nuke favor variable.
  7. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    I don't know. AI is still easy to outsmart. It does some T1 attacks which can be countered with turrets. Just go for map control (it will go too but doesn't protect the fabbers with antiair) and build T2 vehicles and swarm your base with anti-air bots. AI relies on T1 and that doesn't work well with this patch (because it harasses with too many units from one side). It also defends with the commander. So setting up pelters near the AI base and streaming in T2 units from that side means you get the commander who comes out to take down your turret creep. If that doesn't work, build T2 all around the planet and swarm in from all sides. The AI is not so good at defending (it doesn't build many pelters or laser towers when it sees you swarming in from one direction). You can see that it has no feeling for the right response to threats but I guess that is really hard to implement.

    So: AI needs to get harder ;) :p. I really like to see how it improves, it is certainly great to play against to get used to the new things in PA or test some things. Sorian you are doing a great job, keep making it harder!.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  8. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Yeah the AI doesn't really prioritise well I think. I managed to beat 9 Hard AI's in one team (yes, me vs 9 hard AI's) by rushing orbital moving to another planet entirely (just in time though, when I took off an army of like 200 tanks came to roflstomp my base), protecting the two other planets with massive amounts of orbital fighters and bombers to keep them from getting on to em and then I just launched one of the planets onto the main planet and watched the AI burn.

    I think the AI starts orbital too late. It should do that earlier. If you start too late, the entire orbital game might be lost.

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