Total linux noob here. Actually just trying linux out because PA will run on it. So I installed 14.04 two days ago, downloaded version 63475, extracted it to my home directory, double clicked on the PA executable. A window will flash on the screen momentarily, then vanish. happens again and again. what more information do I need to pass on to assist in this getting fixed?
If you have Steam client installed you can use it to get system information: In Steam window -> top menu bar -> click "Help" -> click "System Information" -> copy and post it here. But anyway please post here information on what graphics card you have and what drivers you using.
I don't have steam installed, I don't really like steam and prefer not to use it if i can. GTX 560 TI using Nouveau driver
This is your problem. Even if game become compatible with open source drivers one day I seriously doubt it will ever work with Nouveau, at least in it's current state. So if you have Nvidia GPU you have to use proprietary drivers.
First make sure you actually get driver installed properly. E.g run any other app like Unigine Benchmarks. Second try to run game from command line and post all output here.
downloading Unigine Benchmarks now. in the mean time, here is the terminal output [21:45:01.661] INFO build version 63475 [21:45:01.661] INFO Log file /home/chris/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log/PA-21-45-01.661.txt opened [21:45:01.661] INFO delete /home/chris/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log/PA-20-56-56.043.txt [21:45:01.661] INFO Looks like this isn't the Steam distribution [21:45:01.661] INFO Client loaded 0 mods [21:45:01.843] INFO HAL initializing... [21:45:01.843] INFO OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation [21:45:01.843] INFO OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 [21:45:01.843] INFO OpenGL Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 331.38 [21:45:01.843] INFO OpenGL Shader Language Version: 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler [21:45:01.843] INFO Vendor flag set to NVidia [21:45:01.843] INFO Gamma correct pipeline enabled. [21:45:01.843] INFO Ranged mapping enabled. [21:45:01.843] INFO Advanced instancing enabled. [21:45:01.843] INFO Advanced shader models enabled. [21:45:01.843] INFO Buffer textures enabled. [21:45:01.844] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/post.json [21:45:01.855] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/content.json [21:45:01.894] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/impostors.json [21:45:01.897] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/misc.json [21:45:01.906] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/particle.json [21:45:01.919] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/scene.json [21:45:01.934] INFO Loading effects from file /shaders/vtex.json [21:45:01.951] INFO Configure, 1280 by 720 [21:45:01.954] INFO Coherent content root: "coui://ui/" [21:45:01.954] INFO Coherent host dir: "/home/chris/PA/host" [21:45:01.954] INFO Coherent local store: "/home/chris/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/localstore" Could not find libudev. /home/chris/PA/host/CoherentUI_Host: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [21:45:02.187] INFO {{FMOD}} fmod buffer size 5 [21:45:02.207] INFO Setting graphics to high [21:45:02.207] INFO Got Expose event [21:45:02.207] INFO Got Expose event [21:45:02.207] INFO Got Expose event
You can bypass that problem this way: Code: ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /home/chris/PA/host/ Yeah it's intended.
PA executable linked for Ubuntu 12.04 libraries and in any newer distributions library name is different. There is workaround script for this issue, but it's bugged and not working. "ln -s" just create symbolic link to library so game can start properly.
ok, new problem. did a quick search on the forum/bug tracker/interwebs and didn't see anything. the game starts up just fine, but about 2-3 seconds after starting the window darkens and goes to greyscale. I can still log in and load games and play. I've read that this is Linux's way of indicating a window that has stopped responding. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
It's game bug, but only affect Ubuntu/Compiz as far as I know. Task on bugtracker and workarounds is here: PA#2709 It's also should work just fine in full screen.
That sometimes happens with my game. But I just Super+W and then click on the window again, and everything is normal. Happens more often when the game is in windowed mode than fullscreen.
And in case you activate fullscreen mode and restart the game (to fix it being greyscale) and it crashes while loading, delete the GPU cache in ".local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/localstore/GPUCache" .