Tips For A New Player?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Daichiko, January 28, 2011.

  1. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    I have around 12 hours of playtime but I still can't seem to get the hang of things.

    I'm around 50/50 W/L in matches but my KD is less heading far south of .5
    Every time I play I get the horrible feeling that I'm doing nothing more than feeding the other teams bank and being useless to my current team.

    I've started playing custom Tank with RoF/Armour/Skill Regen as my endorsements but it's not really helping all that much. I seem to be getting steam rolled by pretty much all classes except support ;[

    Any tips for a new player?
  2. azure

    azure Member

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    If you're feeling like you aren't being helpful to your team (this goes double if you are playing Tank), push bot lanes. Don't worry too much about your KDR, focus on helping your team to win games. As I'm sure many people on these forums can attest, it's better to be a person who gets no kills and pushes bot lanes than one who goes just for kills and doesn't help the Team.
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Don't worry so much about K/D. While it is nice to have a positive ratio, you can actually outscore everyone with a negative one. It all depends on how focused you are on taunting, killing bots, attacking Juice Bot/Bullseye, and taking down turrets.

    In the end, all that matters if your team won or lost. Personal dominance over your teammates is nice, but I don't care if my team won.
  4. KrazySteel

    KrazySteel New Member

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    Learn your class!! Pick a class that you think you would like to stick with for a long while and learn every aspect of that class.
    The better you know your class the more fun you will have and you will be far more useful to your team.
  5. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    I do push the lanes.
    I'll take down Jackbots 1 on 1 while the rest of my team is away doing something or other and I'll take out a whole group of bots in the lanes. I just feel like I'm doing a terrible job when I take out a group only to get killed and have the bots I was escorting die just as fast.
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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  7. azure

    azure Member

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    If survivability is your issue, true to play a little more cautiously. Don't run in to a situation without thinking of whether is is winnable and what your fallback is. If there's one think I've learned it is to pick your battles. Play like every time you die, you're losing $100, or however much it takes that you convince yourself to retreat. As a Tank, you don't have the luxury of outspeeding everyone, so you have to use strategy.

    In terms of pushing lanes against Pros, be careful. You can fairly easily kill Assassins, and Supports are no big deal, but be aware of Snipers and Assaults, they are the biggest concern to you. However, never just assume you can run into battle. Take the time to check health bars (yours, and his if possible), location, nearby teammates, etc. And most of all - if you aren't sure about a situation, don't get into it. Wait it out, and see if you can move it into your favour.
  8. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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  9. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    If you're having a hard time killing players, kill bots and turrets.

    It's admittedly not the best thing you can do (this coming from a Tank who mainly pushes lanes), but it is the second-best thing. You will push your team towards victory, large cesspools of cash, and PitGirls.

    Plus, it's a great way to step away from all the Player vs Player action you get in FPSes, but there's still a large amount of skill and fun involved.
  10. discocrisco

    discocrisco New Member

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    The best advice I can give for getting kills is to not focus on killing. Your focus should be on not dying. Tank does have the highest health of any pro, but he's not invincible. Don't be afraid to charge away or duck around a corner if you get tagged by a couple of bullets you weren't expecting. As you play more you'll get more comfortable with pro vs. pro match ups based on your surroundings, range, and opposing classes.
  11. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    I'm still struggling somewhat as a Tank.

    I'm not engaging as much any more and when I do it's usually a 'nade then few quick burts followed by a blossom then a charge out. Maybe a quick 'nade behind me afterwards depending on health. I'm starting to regularly hit second and third place on the board but yeah. I know you guys say ignore the K/D but it's kind of hard since it's so in your face.

    Do you guys have any advice on aiming Grenades? They seem to not go anywhere close to where my cross-hair is pointing lol.
  12. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Something I've been doing lately: Run around with 90% juice filled, wait for an enemy to engage/chase you, then charge to the nearest bot wave, melee, and juice as soon as you hit 100%. You have enough health to tank damage and you'll get a lot of chasers that are over confident. If your team is paying attention at all, it will create a big opening to push thorough.

    Its really good for baiting assaults into you. :p
  13. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    It's hard, I know. Try practicing with it an exhibition a bunch.

    My only real advice is to aim at the middle of an enemy's torso if he's close, and aim at thier head at long range. Use the Rail Gun - the crosshair is easier to aim with.
  14. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    I meant to ask, is it possible to get a headshot with the rail gun?
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    No, only weapon to score headshots is the Sniper Rifle.
  16. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    Does it deal more damage if you land a shot to the head or is it the same as a body?
  17. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    It deals the same amount of damage.
  18. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    If you wanna be productive at pushing bot lanes but feel like enemies are overpowering you as you escort them, you can use your railgun to push bots at range with relative safety while discouraging enemies from hitting your bots too hard,

    Note: using your railgun means your juice gain is very little, if at all.

    It wouldn't be unheard of to make a railgun-centric build using endorsements like RoF, Crits, Reload, or Clip Size (Accuracy is supposed to help in hit detection as well).
  19. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Charge out is what I often do, couple that with L3 Deploy so you can heal quickly. If I don't use charge to escape, I'll usually try to ring-out people.

    What people said about pushing bots with the railgun is spot-on.

    Also, remember to use your jetpack - getting the drop on people and ambushing them is usually a guaranteed kill.

    Aim slightly to the right if you want to hit things from afar. Since the grenade doesn't come out of the gun, but slightly left of it, you have to account for that by hand.
  20. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    Depends on the class you play. But it is always much easier to have a good kill ratio being fully upgraded (specially as Sin).

    To gain money, just kill bots and fall back when opponents counterattack, go heal and wait for their bots.

    On some maps, long range turrets are pretty cool incomes.

    To be useful, if you are neither sniper/Sin, stay with a mate and just help him. Keep a look on the map/money ball. The game miss of alerts message when it is under attack and I've lost many games because I was pushing bots while money ball was under Sin Rush.

    K/D isn't a good indicator of goodness of players. Sins can have an awesome ratio and their team can still lose because no one build turrets or push bots. Money is a best indicator as it counts the bots push and the base strike.

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