Warning: thread contains a little QQing Played a tank who all he'd do is charge followed up by a deathblossom an instant after. Kills you every time, not even an assault can jump over the charge and it's damage radius is huge, but you can actually jump over the deathblossom even though it has to be pixel perfect as the damage radius is wider and taller than the animation shows. I know I have an assault rifle, thus the range advantage, but the damage drop off is just a tad too steep imo and I have to practically be within jet gun range to do any sort of damage too him.
No offense, but then you're playing Assault wrong. When I play Tank, I fear Assaults most. Try an Armor, Crit Shots or Accuracy endorsement if you want to do more damage at range/not insta-die
Even with gold armour as tank there are many assaults who rip through my health with their AR and they are well out of charge/jet gun range. For me a good assault is the hardest class to deal with as tank. I rarely play assault so this is all from the tank's perspective. Read through one of the 5 million assault threads in the Strategy and Tactics forum for endorsement tips maybe? But the short answer is stay mid range and avoid his grenade. Close up a tank will charge/jet/blossom, long range he'll rail gun you. Your mobility is one of your best weapons against a tank, so if he's close enough to charge it means you didn't react quickly enough when he started moving. And remember your own charge and bomb of course. Check out Xenonox's youtube channel too. The best collection of MNC videos out there imo: http://www.youtube.com/user/xenorich (looks like he added an assault strategies video recently too) Good luck!
While I hate to give anti-Tank advice to an Assault, do this: Keep at midrange. Pepper with Assault rifle. Use your mobility and knowledge that the Jet Gun is hugely affected by lag - and does more damage the longer the beam is focused on you - by constantly bunnyhopping, dodging and weaving. If in doubt, throw your Bomb at your feet and Charge away.*
I dodge tank charges on Sniper and Assassins. It's all about timing. AR against a tank is just brutal, even if he is mid range retreating. if you have trouble killing a tank, just put accuracy on your Assault build so your bullets hit better from a distance.
Yes and no. An attack is only OP if it hits you... so don't let it hit you. Heres how I deal with a charge/deathblossom tank: 1) put a bomb in his charge path 2) explode the bomb as soon as he starts charging <tank health: 80%> 3)charge him at the end of his charge <tank health:50% - 10% burn damage> 4) Strafe and shoot <tank health: 20-0%> If you're good, you'll kill the tank. If you're bad, he'll be thinking twice before trying to push on you again. assault class: Armor, Skill Regen, Accuracy
It is deadly but as long as you keep the distance, depending on what class you are you already gain an advantage over the tank. Even though the tank has a rail gun he is built for close quarters better than anyone like the sniper is better at long range attacks. Try and jump over the tanks charge not just up but up and strafe.
If a tank is close enough to hit his charge on you, you're toast. Watch all jump pads that he can use to get up to where you are, and if he surprises you charge away then kite him just outside his jet range until you can charge again.
If a tank gets that close to an assault the tank deserves the kill. Easiest way to deny him that kill? Keep him at mid-range and always be aware of your surroundings. Maybe you are also forgetting to use your bomb/dash/fly, which use of any of those or even any combination of those should make you pretty much impossible to hit with a charge if you see him coming. Just keep practicing and you'll learn how to deal with any situation.
You guys wanna know what's OP? JUICE. On Topic: Tank charge 3 does seem to be pretty powerful, but only if the largest target in the game gets the drop on you. If that's the case...