I've been having problems since I've bought the game with one particular issue. It's completely fine on the menu, on the server list, when I'm in the lobby and when I'm in game. It never crashes in any of those areas. The problem I have is 75% of the time or so, my game crashes right after the host hits start game. When the countdown ends it stays on the screen as if nothing is happening. I can't click anything though, and my mouse can move. I've waited copious amounts of time for the game to load and the planets to generate so I can pick, but it doesn't work. And on top of that, when it does crash, I have extreme trouble exiting out of the game after it crashes like that. Whenever it does work, it starts the game and I have no trouble, (Other then occasion slow frame rate). Please help?
Your graphics card drivers is outdated: Code: Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 Driver Date/Size: 3/8/2013 19:10:18, 12615680 bytes To update drivers download and install "win64_152822.exe" from Intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProdId=3319&DwnldID=23764
@SXX Thank you dearly, my problems seem to have subsided. But one more thing, does it install itself automatically once the download is done?