Is Assassin going to get nerfed?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ohknee, January 27, 2011.

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  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Assault without armor vs assassin with no armor.. that's HUGELY in favor of the assault.
  2. darthfunk

    darthfunk New Member

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    The sin is not OP or UP- it's BS

    I see tons of flaming going on about whether the sin is OP or UP- the people who use it think it's UP, the people getting trashed by it think it's OP. Truth is, the sin is quite balanced; hence, the argument continues, as neither side is entirely right or wrong.
    The sin is pretty damn easy to kill, although gold armor makes it more difficult than it should be. Sins don't really have any direct defense abilities (turret, traps), so when caught off-guard, they're mincemeat. Good players who know to whip around when they hear the cloak-hum may find sins easy target practice.
    Yet, the sin has the hated, one click wonder, gimmick kill. If a sin finds their self situated directly behind someone- that person dies, end of story. For some reason, it seems that every class-based multiplayer game feels the need to include some sort of spy-like insta-kill class. This is unfortunate, because a good sin can trash new players to no end.
    The only thing that makes sins OP is their ability to cycle juice charges and wreck bases with hardly the possibility of being killed in the process. Hopefully, this will get tweaked, because it ruins many a good match.
    But the fact remains that sins are basically balanced. The reason they're so hated is because they are built around a gimmick kill. Once that grapple animation starts, you can't do a damn thing about it. But overpowered, it's not.
    Oh, and if you want to compare to TF2, the sin is kinda like the spy with all the advantages of a scout. But then again, the other 5 classes have powerful abilities, too, so a direct comparison doesn't apply.
  3. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Re: The sin is not OP or UP- it's BS

    Uhh... smoke bomb?
  4. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Re: The sin is not OP or UP- it's BS

    That's still not very direct.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I merged the topics. We really don't need another thread on Assassin balance.
  6. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    Re: The sin is not OP or UP- it's BS

    Not to be counter-productive to my own argument that the Assassin is balanced, but an Assassin good with lunge turning can escape quite a lot of predicaments. I think she can escape bad situations better than any other class in that regard, but that's kind of normal for a sneaky, agile class. Cloak, Smoke Bomb and her speed and lunge all make for amazing entry and escape.

    Her low health does balance this though. If you take a few hits first, chances are you'll get killed out of your attempt to escape. I usually escape immediately when I'm in a disadvantage, and it works wonders without hindering my role as an Assassin. She reminds me of the Scout in her defense by movement style.
  7. darthfunk

    darthfunk New Member

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    I feel retarded now, but tbh, absolutely nothing in this site let me know what happened to my thread(s). They just disappeared, as far as I could see, and i hadn't happened to check this thread.
    Last edited: January 28, 2011
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    You were able to post your thread, but the moderator already merged it into this one. Scroll up a little
  9. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Re: The sin is not OP or UP- it's BS


    Besides, only GoW players would seem to like the sound of having two massive walls of meat effectively sumo wrestling the map by sheer force than tactical covert ops working in harmony with team formations.

    That's been fixed. Now she's as stoppable as any other class who's juiced and assaulting the base if the opposing team has the slightest shred of dignity and brains between them all to use teamwork.

    This actually isn't a gimmick, it's a perfect tactically sound way of causing a solid distraction to bring as many of the enemy team away from the front line as possible:

    Sin starts to wipe out bots at spawn -> Sniper/Support/Fresh spawn (1 in 6 chance it's a tank, if so ignore the rest) hears cloak or notices suspicious activity (i.e. NO BOTS OMG) -> Investigates -> Assassin uses grapple to defeat foe in 1v1 encounter, allowing her to fight back and to continue demolishing robots.

    Now a few things happen here: 1), the enemy team is down a member trying to protect the flow of bots giving the ally team to get a foothold against the remainder of the team. 2) The victim should warn the team to raise attention to the fact there's an assassin stopping the flow of bots, using his corpse as a loud, death-gargling calling card. 3) In order to stop the assassin, team work is needed (or a tank as above). If the tank is pre-occupied or absent from the team altogether, then a 1v1 encounter will not suffice, so additional team members must be drawn away from the front line to engage the assassin. Now you've got one dead guy + one extra off the frontline, leaving a 4v5 engagement on the midfield thus easing the ally team's work to push through PLUS no bots from the enemy granting another boost to your team's efforts as your bots start pushing forward.

    If you didn't have grapple to readily kill most classes or at least grant the sin an advantage to an enemy of greater strength when alert, then she would simply be fobbed off by the smallest amount of effort from the enemy with ease, rendering her efforts almost negligible.

    Also, in the event of a tank being available to counter this strat, after realising his approach a sin can finish one wave of bots then escape, taking out a gunner or other highly suppressive target on the way back to base. Even if she died she contributed almost equally either way to her team's attempts to push forward.
  10. darthfunk

    darthfunk New Member

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    Re: The sin is not OP or UP- it's BS

  11. Drakes

    Drakes New Member

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    Could lunge get a review or something? Its on such a short cooldown and does cover quite alot of ground quickly. Like have it share resources with the dash ability.
  12. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I think it's fine, and I die to assassins and snipers often enough.

    If any nerf were to be done, I'd say nerf the damage lunge does from the front rather than reducing the overall mobility of the most mobile class in the game.
  13. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    the only thing i wish they could change was people sitting in the back of their base as a sniper, but people care so much about KD its ridiculous
  14. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    I do this on pretty much every map. exept maybe 2.
    Sniping at the back of your base is one of the keys to victory. Explosive shot wipes all bots that gets through. You pick off pros that are advancing. How dont you like people doing this??
    Plus when i get juice i move forward, destroy a couple of turrets and pros and move back.
  15. Arrowhead

    Arrowhead New Member

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    Don't nerf it! I like the challenge. You just have to stay vigilant.
  16. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Not that anyone would care, but this is how i see it.

    There is no such thing as an underpowered character in this game and every class has the potential to be overpower when used correctly by the right person. Both teams also have the same classes to choose from, so there is absolutely no reason for people to be making such a huge deal about game balance.

    Every character in this game has a way to deal with everyone. Some have better options than others to deal with an specific class, but having a perfect balance between every class would destroy the purpose of having different classes in the first place.

    Pros can all deal with each other if you learn each class strengths and weakness, and that should be enough.

    Besides this is Uber's vision and they are the only ones who actually know wtf they wanted to accomplish in the first place, so balance is relative to their goals, not ours.

    Oh and yes, i'm one of "those" gold armored Assassins. Hell, i would use platinum is if it where available.
  17. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I'd rather have a sniper sat in our base keeping bots and pros out with a huge KDR than one pushing the enemy base and feeding them kills.
  18. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Enemy team didn't have a sniper I take it? :shock:
  19. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I'd rather one that moves up the field a bit so he can both kill all the bots, pros, and wreck the enemy base.

    In this game, "camping snipers" can be more useful than in most games, since keeping bots at bay is very worthwhile, but they're still less useful than someone doing that exact same thing, but further up the "field", keeping the pressure on the enemy team.

    This is how I tend to play. I'll snipe from the base if we're getting camped, or in a pinch (bots are too close, jackbot is getting too close, etc). But as soon as possible I'll move up the line. Cause that's the beauty of the sniper, his range. I can stay about halfway through the map and dominate both attack and defense. No reason to pick one.
  20. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Or a gunner. Or a competent assault. Or a competent support.

    Seriously, I'm not saying Tank is UP (far from it), but considering that was your "first game ever as Tank", either you really clicked with it, or you were playing against a terrible team.
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