Specs: GPU: Gtx 760 CPU: I5 3750 RAM: 8gb 64bit Windows 7 The camera is able to smoothly move around the planet, but the units lag, disappear, appear, and freeze with their animations still running.
Either your download speed is too slow or the server you are playing on is limiting the bandwidth you can get. It's a known issue that is being worked on.
same here, i cant play becouse of that :/ simmilar PC as in first post, 10mbit download, 4mbit upload. I recorded video for me freends who don't have that big lags. You can see in first 16s that i wanted to send engs to support building. I gived order 2 times, nothing happend, after few s game freeze, camera changed position and selection box changed size. Game works on 40-60fps when i started recording, but it freez always when it updates data after lag. Sometimes becouse of that camera go crazy. Some times when I'm playing i have sittuation, when im clicking in my base, everything is ok, no units enemy units on radar, game freeze for about 5s, and then all my base disappeared and I'm dead . What happend? I checked replay: enemy bots comes to my base and slowly kills everything and it took about 40-60s. WTF! I don't have lags in other games, FAF, Homeworld2 and Starcraft2 works great.