So, I've gotten into using bots more than tanks at the moment for my main units as I find I'm playing a lot better with them, however, my early build involves using the little devils known as booms, which work only on select moments where my bots need to move directly next to the building and then told to attack it meaning there is a slight second pause where they most of the time die, when they could've managed to stroll right in and blow it up if they hadn't had stopped. Is there a way to tell them to go to an area and the **** out of a specific target? Like a factory or reactor? Telling them to attack leads to them standing still and stopping in there tracks unless they're 1/2 a metre away from the target. Patrol seems to only work if they happen to wander into something along there route, and the automatic delete unit button has a massive delay sometimes. So yeah, any way I can get these buggers to go and blow something up with targeting the building from a distance?
I've never used them successfully, and now I know why. I never realized I needed to manually walk them to the target. A T1 unit that needs to be micro'd indivually? AWESOME!
Area attack makes them attack an area, they will go to the nearest enemy unit when they see them Attack move (telling the unit to attack the ground) works well for more targeted attacks. Tell it to attack move behind the thing you want destroyed Queue up a move command to right next to the building, followed by an attack command on the building
Thank you heaps! The attack move option seems like the best idea And then I can bomb people to hell! I'm just somewhat sick of the tank meta at the moment, and I'm looking for a way I can harass enough to make bots more viable than tanks.
Boom bots can be effective blind very early on (they are the best bot for scouting anyway as they're so quick with the greatest vision, I take a kill as a bonus), if you hit the sweet spot of the enemy expanding far enough away from the commander, before turrets have gone up, and you micro the hell out of it, you can get some good rewards. Maybe one in ten, that statistic was found by trial and error After a few minutes, they are probably most viable with heavy scouting to find weak spots. Fledgling enemy expansions are your best bet. Doing anything blind after a few minutes is (almost certainly) not got going to work. For some fun, make as many boom bots as you can and amass them on the opposite side of the planet to your enemy. Tell them to area attack his base, and they should come at his base from all directions.
Yep just played a game then and since they finally worked, had one of the enemies bases in ruins within a few mins Thanks heaps! Now those pesky tank spammers may not be bale to reach their beloved vehicles as quickly }