Drats! Uber improved machine, same results...

Discussion in 'Support!' started by gcarreno, April 8, 2014.

  1. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Hey guys,

    Interestingly, with a single core, non GPU machine I was able to get to the menus, now with a:
    • AMD A10 Quad-Core (AMD A10-4655M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics × 4)
    • 8GB RAM
    • Graphics: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sun XT [Radeon HD 8670A/8670M/8690M](AMD Radeon HD 7620G)
    • Always with Ubuntu 13.10 64b
    I see myself struggling again to get any results :(

    I've done the following:
    1. Updated my Video Drivers from the X-Org Edgers PPA (https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/ archive/ppa)
    2. Edited PA/host/CoherentUI_Host according to FS#2024 (libudev work around)
    What I get is the window being greyed due to non responsiveness and nothing else.
    (Tested with PA 63234 and PA 63475, same black window)

    So my dear friend and hero SXX, what do I need to do next?
    (I've read FS#2709 and my window does not have any game graphics, it's just black)

    As always, many thanks in advance for all your HUGE support,
    Last edited: April 8, 2014
  2. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Does the log by any change complain about not being able to find libudev? If so, see bug FS#1275.
  3. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    @DeathByDenim I've followed FS#2024 for the libudev issue.
    I don't like symlinking my system(FS#1275) if I can just alter a game specific script.

    But thanks anyway ;)
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Oh, oops. So much for my reading skills. Anyway, how about bug FS#2343? I think that xorg-edgers goes up to only 13.200, right? Also, does the fiddling with --software-ui work for you?
  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    For start I'm not actually understand what drivers you installed because game won't work with open source drivers at moment.

    For proprietary drivers you need to get Catalyst 14.3 Beta from here:
    Then you need to generate distribution-specific package so it's will build proper *.deb for you. Just install them using dpkg -i or any GUI and then game should work fine except Compiz will report that window inactive, but this can be bypassed by disabling this feature or full screen.
  6. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Not your fault, quoting just an FS # does not make it clear :) I've edited my post to make it clear.

    Yes, xorg-edgers has installed 13.200.
    But nothing on FS#2343 gives me any hope. Or I'm missing something, like how to reverse the xorg-edgers install...

    Using this switch, I was able to view the initial Disclaimer. For some odd reason, I'm unable to click on the ACCEPT button.
    So now I'm baffled at something else: I wasn't aware that compiz removed focus on window once it got it greyed from "not responding".
    I've not done the compiz change to not fade the windows. I still want that to be a visual indicator on other Apps. But from other peeps, the game should receive Mouse/Keyboard input even in "shadowed" mode, right?
  7. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Game actually get input properly, but UI not update because "--software-ui" mode is bugged.

    You need to press Ctrl+P to make game UI update or just install latest drivers and game will work properly without "--software UI". AMD finally fixed bug that cause problem in prior drivers.
  8. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    I added "ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa" to my deb list and then a simple update/dist-upgrade.
    Like @DeathByDenim said, it now comes with 13.200.

    Maybe I should, but just the mention of "proprietary", makes my body go all itchy ;)

    I wish I really could avoid any non apt workaround.

    Guess I'll have to pay attention to FS#2343 until it's resolved.

    Pity, I really thought that with this new machine I could play completely hassle free...

    Cheers, @SXX !
  9. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    There is no new Catalyst in this PPA so it' doesn't mater.

    Not sure what you mean because you use proprietary drivers already, but one installed from repository. o_O
    It's not "non apt" workaround.

    You get ".run" that generate distribution-specific DEB packages for you. After it's done generation you install drivers using package manager so it's don't break your system and can be updated/replaced using "apt".

    It's won't be resolved by game updates because it's always was driver bug.

    Don't buy AMD hardware then. :p
  10. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    @DeathByDenim and @SXX YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!

    Ok, finally took my head out of my behind and presses Ctrl+P (I was stuck on the notion that maybe on a disclaimer, no shortcuts work, dummy me!), the UI was then responsive (DUH :) ) and I was able to get into the game.

    Now to try and find out if we can disable the fade to grey on a single window!!

    Again, you guys ROCK!

    @SXX : excuse my ignorance, but the latest update from ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa, are they open source or proprietary. I'm asking this, even after the nagging fact of you mentioning the download from AMD site, makes it a rather idiot question.
  11. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    FGLRX it's closed source proprietary driver you using at moment. Basically it's same driver from AMD website, but re-packed by PPA maintainer.

    Open source driver for AMD graphics called Radeon and at moment game don't work with any open source drivers on Linux.
  12. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    So this means I updated for nothing, right? And it contains the itchy kind of drivers ARGHHHH ;)

    Hummm, nice to know. I'm an old guy with more Slackware experience. All this APT shenanigans make my head dizzy :p

    Ok, duly noted!!

    Ehehehe. But I itch at Intel CPUs, and I didn't think I needed a Desktop. When I see the need for a Desktop, I'll build it from scratch and, hopefully, lesson learned: Buy an NVIDIA Graphics Card, LOL!!
  13. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Well, for my bad luck I had to install FGLRX by hand since a fresh install of 13.10 failed to get lightdm to even start.
  14. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Actually it's depends on do you want to support open source or play games. AMD do a lot for open source and if they continue to work in same direction then in long term they'll provide much better hardware support on Linux.

    Nvidia don't give a **** about open source or Linux, but their proprietary drivers much better for games here and now. So it's up to you to decide what hardware you want to buy.
  15. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Errr, thanks for clarifying that. I was under the impression that AMD was working hard at it, but it's not been a good day for me. I'm tired and brain function is suffering. So, wooosh, completely forgot it.

    Well, my money will always be with AMD. Even if their support is still in infancy, at least they ARE openly supporting Linux, unlike others, like you said.
  16. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Oky, so I've got it running, just on the menu stuff. I'm amazed I'm getting FPS in the 110-120 range on Windowed and ~50 Fullscreen. Way above the ~30 people mention, so I'm quite happy with this hardware.

    I'm way too tired/beaten to actually try a game, so I'll have a try at that later. I tried spectating but it was taking too long and players were quitting right after all teams full... Well, I'm tired and antsy at the same time.

    But again, @DeathByDenim and @SXX thank you so VERY much for helping a noob :)
  17. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Unfortunately AMD work don't affect Catalyst quality. So now I just get VGA passthrough compatible hardware so I can run my main OS on nice Intel iGPU while crappy AMD Cataclysm isolated in virtual machine so it's can't crash my X anymore. :D

    I supported AMD before and will continue support them as far as they produce suitable hardware. E.g I need high performance CPU and unfortunately they leave this market completely so I have no choice here and have to go with Intel.

    Still this forum is about game that not perform great on their drivers because poor drivers quality so I can't recommend any AMD hardware for games; especially on Linux.
  18. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I am glad you got it working for you. Yeah, the game actually runs better than people give it credit for, however it drops as the game gets bigger. Have 4 active planets full of units, you tend to get 2-8fps from the simulation (serverside) due to optimizations undone until closer to release.

    It should be tons of fun. Disclaimer, player or AI, you will lose your first match. Look up why, but I doubt heavy textbook training will solve it. If you don't look it up, when you lose, just watch the replay at the end via the Chronocam, watch what the AI does, it doesn't cheat even on easy, and it still just plays gloriously. BTW easy just sets it's economy to 50%, which is absurd considering how competitive it plays with a handicap of only half its buildpower. I like to just enjoy it that it's such a beast myself.

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