I'm loving MNC so far, but I feel like it needs more...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by KazooieBanjo, August 12, 2010.

  1. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    Thoughts on making a mode where there can only be one of each class and teams start with more money than normal?

    Also, a neutral sounds awesome. A doppleganger mascot bot that blows stuff up, wrecks everyone maybe making the two sides work together?
  2. pistachiojones

    pistachiojones New Member

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    IMO this game needs CTF and more maps as DLC. Mostly more maps though, I'm already sick of steel peel but thats another story :D
  3. loveassassin13

    loveassassin13 New Member

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    NO, No limiting classes, THIS ISNT TEAM FORTRESS!
  4. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    maps maps and uhh more maps!!!
  5. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    I think there should be at least one variant of crossfire that allows for One Player per class.
    It teach people how to actually play the game, and stop rushing the money ball.

    Maybe its just because I always get matched up with idiots.
  6. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Dev comments on thread about more maps...

    Good sign is good.
  7. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Do you mean buying the game or buying the future DLC? Splitting up the population with the people who bought the new maps and the people who still just have the game is bound to have problems with a game that doesn't have a massive population, such as ten minute searches for a match (I know you guys are professionals and all but I've seen it happen to a few communities).

    Or at least that's what happened to Bioshock 2, but that game's multiplayer was horrible anyway so you never know...
  8. trindermon

    trindermon New Member

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    agreed and supported, ill pretty much pony up cash after cash for this game i love it.

    however things i would like to see.

    1. The ability to choose what bots to spawn at the "spawn bots!" button each type comming with a cost in cash. (possibly put a limit on number of each type on the field at once for balance purposes).

    2. More maps.

    4. The ability to spectate matches, not sure how practical this is, would be awsome tho.(not taking a player slot however). with the ability to "tag in" the spectator when someone wants to swap out.

    5. match making is taking a age right now, this isnt a add on, but you need moar! marketing. some kinda promotion, the games awsome but i didnt hear about it untill like 2 months ago; for a game of this quality thats a real shame.

  9. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    Honestly I wish people would read the forums and see that ALL of these suggestions have been made reduntantly...

    Also.. NEEDS MORE???? I think you must be joking, it is a 15 dollar purchase.. for what you paid you got nearly a 60 dollar value... and within 24 hours of the release it seems everyone wants them to put out DLC tommorow...

    I agree there are some additions that would be cool... but voice them in the correct Feedback thread, and give the Dev's some credit... for what you paid you have been more than compensated!!
  10. trindermon

    trindermon New Member

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    to be fair m8, most people are more than happy; just looking to add feedback re what can come next, like i said in my post i am more than happy to pony up more cash i love the game so far.

  11. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    As am I, but the title of the forum post leads you to believe the person is saying the game needs more as it stands, and that simply is not true.

    Also there is a Feedback and Suggestions thread about 45 pages long that has ALL these suggestions included and MANY more..

    My point is the forums are getting full of redundant posts.. and it would be nice if the community would learn to read.. then post.. just my opinon..
  12. Nightmare

    Nightmare New Member

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    How often do arcade games receive DLC out of interest?

    I personally think CtF would work great, only if it limits your maximum momentum. The thought of an assassin sprinting with the flag makes me feel sick inside.

    And as already suggested, some sort of king of the hill would also be interested, I can see the madness already :)

    Great game BTW
  13. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    Yeah...it would be nice to have more playlists like a Deathmatch without robots or Capture the Flag/King of the Hill...that would be awesome.
  14. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    make to many modes and you thin out the players, sell maps and you do the same to people who don't pay up for new maps. Adding a deathmatch only mode would be boring for a game like this, the huge maps become a wasteland without any bot action and it wound become a camping sniper fest with some ninja on the side.
  15. unknowncorpse

    unknowncorpse New Member

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    Ok so Im going to comment on the ctf idea. I actually dont think it is a good one (at least the way Im thinking of ctf). If you think about it, if a team has pushed their way into the enemy base (to get the flag for the first time in a round)...that basically means all the enemy turrets will be down and that team will most likely be out of money (or really low).

    This means it will be hugely lopsided with the other team just continuing to build up their base and just crush the other team. (not to mention a huge flow of bots into their base!) I even think you can have mortars shooting inside the other teams base if you build em close enough! But when it gets to that point and your just getting pummeled...I mean the game is over.

    Id love to see new content, and Im not completely out to shoot stuff down, but Im not sure how the ctf idea would work that well.
  16. Nightmare

    Nightmare New Member

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    Ok, say you don't have bots and turrets? Or maybe just bots or vise versa. O
  17. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    My brain is sparkling with ideas this game can have.

    First: The Conquest mode (from Unreal).
    Pretty simple since everyone seems to have thought of it. Red base, Blue base, a few neutral bases. It's pretty much crossfire but hopefully we could get more players in and less bots.

    2nd: The Eliminator
    This of Hell in a Cell with turrets and a bunch of unfriendlies trying to kill you. A survival deathmatch. Could be teams or lone wolf. The turrets fire at anyone and can't be hacked. Bots can spawn. The map is a small, enclosed area with few vantage points and always a counter to the vantage point. An example of the map could be the basic structure of based in this game. Modes include deathmatch, survival, and Stash the cash. With the last mode, it could work like the Smash bros coin battle. Killing ppl gives you coins. Killing the one with more coins gives you more coins. Be the one with the most coins at the end. The winning person gets to run around as Bullseye during the endgame screen =).

    I can't think of any modes right now, but I would like to be able to change the look of my character class. Skin color is a start, different armor choices would be nice. Different sub armor colors or even a badge would be a lot more than what's offered in this game. That being said, it's not crucial at all. It's just someone I would like.
  18. KazooieBanjo

    KazooieBanjo New Member

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    Each class has an associated bot. Assassins spawn gremlins, Snipers spawn those skill-sucking bots, etc. It would be a good idea to document this in-game though (if it is please direct me to it as I need that list for reference).
  19. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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    No to DM, just no.

    Escort match like the Tf2 bomb escort missions, only where one side is escorting a super jackbot and the other is defending might be cool.

    I'm half tempted to say that if you add something like DM or another mode make it so that its randomly selected, no segmenting the player base please especially since its arguably going to be smaller than halo.
  20. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Agreed, making the modes random seems like the best solution to DLC without splitting the player base.

    As for a plain team Death Match in a game like this, I don't see it working because of camping.

    However, I could definetly imagine a nifty gametype that worked in objectives in addition to pro kills, possibly something that worked similar to World of Warcraft's Arathi Basin (basically territories for those who don't know) and awarded points for kills in addition to node control.

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