The assassin...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by The Vidya Sucks, August 12, 2010.

  1. The Vidya Sucks

    The Vidya Sucks New Member

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    is the most worthless class there is. No team synergy, nothing to offer for the team, get a cheap kill and make a daring escape and also, there's always like 4 assassins on one team.
    Prove me wrong.
  2. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze New Member

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    You best be trolling.

    I always play Assault and there's been plenty of times where I am trying to kill a deployed gunner and an assassin comes from behind, or pushing the bot line, and an assassin will not only back-stab me, but kill our bots after too. Like a lot of other units it requires team work. I've found and killed tons of "rogues assassins", but the ones that worked with the flow of their team, and used their teams distractions can be lethal.
  3. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    Can target hard-to-kill opponents such as snipers and help the team push. Forces the opponent team to lose total focus over pushing bots to the money-ball with flanking tactics not available to the other classes. They can also spawn trap very well and keep targets with a ton of kills out of the game if played correctly. As a glass cannon they provide a fast-paced method of taking out big targets, and if coordinated with a team they can be a very strong asset to winning the game.

  4. trindermon

    trindermon New Member

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    TBH as annoying as assasins are - they have a place in the game, there job is to get behind enemy lines and take out support folks whilst they are messing with the turrets and making the base better. (least imo).

    Now i play support (almost ALL the time), and assasins are anoying, but there is a way to deal with them. Firstly do NOT put points when you start in to anything other than your HP ability. this has saved me more times than i care to mention. forget the fancy skills, you HP as support is the most important.

    when he stabs you - watch the pretty animation, get back up , step back, let the turrets do the rest. simple.

    Assassins are annoying, but they have a job. not only that they can be counter by any class with higher HP. if fact they are so easy to deal with its almost laughable.


    PS: enjoying the game so far, only thing i have seen i didnt like was the "unkillable assassin" in 1 game lastnight, he just stood there right outside the base, (not moving like he was rooted), all our team tried to kill him. it wasnt possible. not sure what the deal was at all - if its a ingame feature i need to understand it before i commment; it its a hack, it needs to be found an fixed.
  5. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    Bleh... another troll complaining... why dont you read how many people have written the same thing and been told that they just dont understand how to play... cmon at least try to post something original guy...
  6. Nightmare

    Nightmare New Member

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    I personally believe assassins are fine. Just be observant, keep moving and give them hell if you see them. If you're camping, you don't really have a place to complain, considering the job of the assassin is to help out the team behind enemy lines. If you observe your environment, you can see assassin's from miles out, and if they haven't seen you, then go help out whoever their next victim may be.

    If you see one cloak around your team mate (and in the example, you're playing as a gunner) just spray around your team mate and look out for their cloak losing effectiveness, then unleash your minigun into them.

    When ever I play as an assassin, I always try to flank the enemy from behind, so just be wary of an assassin if you're pushing forward with a load of bots.
  7. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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  8. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Assassins when they do their job of stopping people owning in key locations, taking out that troublesome sniper, hurting the jackbot and so forth are worthwhile, but having 3 on the team is a waste especially when they don't help the team any.
  9. JavierT56

    JavierT56 New Member

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    I main assasin myself and i play it really well but i hate to see when im playing against a team that has like 4 assasins and they dont even play it well they just go around tryin 2 backstab. But assasin is not overpowered or game breaking its just that people havent found out how the most effective way to deal with them
  10. Red Team FTW

    Red Team FTW New Member

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    Maybe the OP is one of the assassins I played against last night while I played Tank.

    ProTip: as Assassin, do not try to solo attack Tank who's near full health. You'll lose.
  11. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    ProTip: Look for the Assassin displacing pixels as they run around.

    ProTip: Tank is an anti-assassin. Assassin's cloak is useless why they are burning, they can't easily 1-shot a Tank and the Tank's charge can 1-shot an Assassin.

    ProTip: Assassin's can't grapple if the target is in the air. Thrusting as a Gunner or Tank or flying as an Assault is a handy way to avoid an Assassin grapple.

    ProTip: When deployed both the Tank and the Gunner can turn on their jets and burn someone behind them, like Assassins, by pressing the jump button.
  12. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Ha! I actually randomly saw this on as it happened. He glitched out and was actually hoping someone would kill him to free him up. All he could do was stand there and swing his sword. Definitely not a game feature.

    Small world.
  13. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    ProTip: When deployed both the Tank and the Gunner can turn on their jets and burn someone behind them, like Assassins, by pressing the jump button.

    OK...that is just plain awesome.
  14. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I once played a game with no assassins.

  15. The Vidya Sucks

    The Vidya Sucks New Member

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    These are the only assassins I see. I main Support and it's so ******* easy to kill them. See a blur > Whip out shotgun > Spam grapple and let my fire base chop them up.

    I haven't seen a single assassin work with their team. They just rambo in and get a lucky kill and get grinded up by a gunner or an assult.
  16. Red Team FTW

    Red Team FTW New Member

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    That's a wicked ProTip!
  17. Ronin Tetsuro

    Ronin Tetsuro New Member

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    You are, very clearly and having never played a single game with you, DOING IT WRONG.

    That doesn't mean the class is worthless. That means you are trolling or need to level your gamer skill tree.
  18. Ronin Tetsuro

    Ronin Tetsuro New Member

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    Honestly, after I played a few games, whenever I saw an assassin, the lizard brain automatically thought "Free kill".

    Mostly because "rouge assassins" are worthless.

    *eyes OP knowingly*
  19. Ronin Tetsuro

    Ronin Tetsuro New Member

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    Yeah, didn't know that one.

    +1000 Bacon for the devs on that, for sure.
  20. EthanCrad

    EthanCrad New Member

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    I've read what everyone is saying, but I would definately like to see the assasin with a little more power. She can kill an assault, sniper, and other assassins with normal health in one grapple but if she goes up against any other class she has to grapple and then somehow hit them about 3 times before they kill her.

    A support after being grappled can steal the assasins health to heal himself without even looking and can run in unpredictable positions to escape the assasins blade/shurikens.

    A gunner can shoot and kill from a mile away and is even more lethal upclose. If you grapple him from the front you are dead as soon as you get off. This happens with the tank also as it can charge straight afterwards to kill her.

    Not only this but after any grapple, another team member can stand directly behind the assassin as she is performing her move and kill her so easily as she lands, this leaves her pretty much defensless as all she can do to escape is smoke grenade jump, as she can no longer grapple for a little while and her other attack are very weak.

    I'd Like to see the assassin have enough power to have an instant kill everytime she grapples from the back, and so that she has enough power to seriously injure someone from the front. And I know you guys are tired of being suddenly killed by an assassin but if 2 classes have to suffer it, why not all? This is coming from someone who plays mainly support and tank, and whenever I see an assassin grapple me and I live I know that I will get a kill straight afterwards even though I do not deserve it.

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