Anyway MNC Can Be Optimized For My Computer?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ShadowSonicZ, January 27, 2011.

  1. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    I can play games like TF2 on medium, Bioshock on medium, Street Fighter IV on medium-low.

    But this game, I have to turn everything way down low. Even then, the training mode was just at a playable framerate. Is there no way to turn down the polygon count of models and the world? I have have the textures up to medium-high and my fps doesn't drop, same with shadows. But the world detail settings are what kill me.

    I don't know if this is a glitch or not but turning it from high to very low seems to be the only way I can turn off lighting or something, which significantly increases my fps.

    I haven't tried playing in a real game yet because when I went to play, I kept getting "server has dlc you don't have" or "server reached capacity" or something so I didn't really get to play. And I'm assuming with 12 people in-game with bots, this game will not be playable.

    I have this on the 360 and I thought I could be done with my console with this new computer but I guess not.

    Last edited: January 27, 2011
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    It would really help if you would post the specs of your PC.
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    maybe someone can come up with soft models for the game. map and pros and bots and such, that are flatter and less detailed, so it drains less resources. maybe even get rid of the map background, thats just cosmetic anyhow.

    not sure if its completely possible, but ive seen it done with other games.
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    There's a whole bunch of things that can be turned down in HostileEngine.ini
  5. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    Oh right, how dumb of me not to post my specs.

    Win 7 - 64 bit
    AMD Turion(tm) II P540 Dual-Core Processor 2.40 GHz
    4 GB of RAM
    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200

    And there's actual ways to change some settings from an .ini file? Sweet, I'll have to check that out.

    As for the background, I would TOTALLY be fine if they replaced it with a complete flat texture of an image of itself if that would mean an significant fps increase.
  6. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    I'd recommend 8gb ram, but 4 should be enough to run the game mostly smoothly at medium settings, provided your drivers are up to date and you don't have lots of background programs running.

    Can you check your Task Manager's Performance tab while the game is running, and see if ram or cpu is maxed out?
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    4GB RAM is fine - I have that, and I'm getting 70 - 130 fps.

    Your CPU and GPU are a bit weak. Turning bloom and motion blur off would help a lot.
  8. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    I'm not too big of a fan of motion blur and bloom. As long as the game has medium-high textures and some good particle effects, I'm good to go. With the lighting off or something, the game looks pretty dull and I'd like to tweak it so I could have some real lighting with shadows. I took a look at the .ini files and there are some things I know I could tweak but there is a whole lot of things I wasn't expecting. If you guys could point out some useful settings to change, that'd be awesome.

    As for my drivers and whatnot, I keep my video drivers all up to date. As well as my cpu, DirectX, etc etc...I also don't have any other extra programs running in the background while playing any game.

    Also, is there a way to know the actual FPS the game is running out?
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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  10. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Console (tilde key) in stat fps and you'll get a nice little framerate display.

    As for more clever changes to the *.ini file; in the SystemSettings] section you can turn the bump map and specular map textures down way low without much loss in visual candy. I have the regular textures up at a maximum of 4096, but the specular map down at 64. Rocket turrets look like they're made of shiny plastic with that, but everything else looks pretty fine.

    [PS:] fraps is for nubs.
  11. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    This is off topic, but Gregion has way more features than fraps, works exactly like fraps, and is free.
  12. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You're most certainly not getting that amount online, I am 100% certain of this. Online FPS is limited to 90 in this engine.

    Edit: watch this forum, my mate is gonna release the FPS config we conceived some time today if he ain't too lazy.
  13. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Sorry, that's just rubbish. I saw 150 fps in the game I just played. I'd have photo evidence for you, but Print Screen didn't work, and I wasn't aware of a screen cap. bind in MNC (which there isn't, to the best of my knowledge).
  14. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Local Blitz isn't limited. I get well over 400 in blitz no matter the amount of bots but online is another matter. seems to agree, engine is the same.

    Also for a screencap just use print screen in windowed mode while the game doesn't have focus (which would falsify the already unprecise output of stat fps)
  15. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Every single thing here is better than my computer save the video card(which seems to mean you're on a laptop), but I run everything at max settings with no problems. Perhaps it's a problem with the specific video card? There have been posts about ATI cards having problems with this game.
  16. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    Yeah, I am running on a laptop...heh...should have mentioned but didn't cuz, well, the flare of people sometimes get for a person trying to use a laptop as a gaming computer.

    ANYWAY...that's pretty interesting you can run max settings with specs being lower than mine, cept for vid card. Maybe that's the problem then. I'll try to see if there's any new version of drivers out there and hopefully I get an enjoyable gameplay like on the 360.
  17. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    Haha, moving from 4 to 8 gigs of ram would have exactly no effect.

    Id recommend changing your resolution down in the ini file bulletmagnet mentioned.
  18. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    Is it possible to change it to a resolution that's not selectable in the actual game? The lowest I saw was 1280x800 or something.
  19. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Yep. You can manually choose a resolution from HostileEngine.ini. Failing that, you can use the ScreenPercentage field to make the 3D parts render at a low resolution, and the UI and text render at a higher one. Since the UI is pretty trivial to draw compared to the rest of the game you can squeeze a nice amount of performance out.
  20. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    yeah, im not sure how far down it will go, but im running it in 1024*768 via the ini file.

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