Space units ... how do they work?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jholman, March 31, 2014.

  1. jholman

    jholman New Member

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    Okay, I'm not sure if I'm seeing bugs here, or if I just don't understand the game mechanics. I've had several bizarre things happen when using space units.

    In one instance, I have an Astraeus, and a commander, both on planet A, and I want to move the comm to another planet, B. So I pick up the commander, and that works. The commander is now on the Astro in the air layer of A. If I right-click a location on A, they both move to the orbit layer of A, then move over that location. Great. Now I want him to go to B. How do I do it?

    I tried getting to B (by scrolling out, and scrolling back in on B), and right-clicking in the orbital layer. That seeeeeems to result in the loaded Astraeus traveling through space to B, and then immediately traveling back to A. No chance to interact.

    I tried scrolling out, scrolling back in on B, and right clicking on the surface. I don't remember what that did, but it didn't get me a commander on the surface.

    I tried scrolling out, scrolling back in on B, selecting Unload, and left-clicking on the surface. That results in the Astro traveling to B, and then the Astro and the Comm teleport back to A, and the Astro drops the comm in a random place on A (twice so far, in the middle of enemy troops, which is really great).

    I _did_ manage to move a fabber vehicle to another planet at one point, built teleporters, etc, but that seems to have been anomalous. Or was there some trick to it that I've missed?

    Also, are orbital fabbers supposed to travel between planets? I built one around A, was able to build things in the orbital layer of A, and a teleporter on the ground of A, but I couldn't get it to travel to B or C.

    (all of the above with build 63475)
  2. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Is planet B a moon? Planets that are close together are currently bugged.
    And yes, orbital fabbers are supposed to transfer between planets, but keep in mind that you can't queue a teleporter/satellite between planets (you can't tell it to build on planet B while its on planet A)
  3. jholman

    jholman New Member

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    Yes, in both games where I tried this, B was a moon of A, and C was a moon of either A or B.

    I'll try some more with the fabber, ensuring that I'm just trying to move.
  4. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    And magnets, have you wondered how they work?
    tehtrekd likes this.
  5. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    Unless you queue a move command followed by a build command
    tehtrekd and ornithopterman like this.

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