100 Custom Commanders

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carlorizzante, March 19, 2014.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Quite the opposite really, it's probably best to not speak on my behalf if you're not that well versed on the subject. ;p

    For those interested I'm doing a blog style thread in the Backer's Lounge where I show a lot of progress, describe my thought process as much as possible and answer questions. Sorry if you don't have Access, once the project is over (some something) I'll see if I can get the thread moved out so everyone can read through it.

    The custom Commanders have always been quite explicit;

    The Number of commanders being made is taking from the number of people that Backers at the required levels during the Kickstarter(1k, 5k and 10k) for a total of 102 Backers getting Custom Commanders.

    Those 102 people with each get thier specific commander and 5 extra codes to give out for thier specific Commander to give out as they see fit.

  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I was close. Anyway, I mentioned you had a post sharing your commander creating somewhere. Forgot it was in backers section though.

    Okay, quick question knight, would you want your commander be randomly selected for AI's to use in AI matches, if other players still couldn't choose your commander, and you could in multiplayer?
  3. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    thanks for explanation guys I wondered about it and it makes sense when peeps backed that kind of cash! I am REALLY supprised there was litterately 100 people that backed 1000$ or more.. thats crazy... in an awesome way of course but damn...

    Anyway as much as I would love to have 100 commanders, that would be awesome to pick from, I can totally understand how that would be a no no for the community to mod into the game, totally un fair for the backers, they should recieve something special for that sort of money dedication.

    I do hope in the future that people will be able to mod diff commanders in though just to add something extra to the existing ones, not just unlocking the custom ones.. making new ones if thats possible.
  4. mafoon

    mafoon Member

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    Waiting for a commander that looks like this,
    Walks on all fours, fabber is in the head out the eye, shoots from back mounted cannon.
  5. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    If i can reverse engineer a rig, or if i can get a blank rig off uber i may be able to make custom animations and rig bone work layouts
    vackillers likes this.

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