Should servers have an option to set level restrictions?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Providence, January 26, 2011.

  1. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    As we all know, public games are incredibly random. Even with the team balancing, maps are usually over very quickly. What I propose is to allow server admins the OPTION to set level restrictions. MOST servers will still run the default which is all levels allowed. Other servers will allow beginners to play with each other without fear of getting pubstomped. Finally, there will be servers for experienced players who want the challenge of playing players of their own level.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    And level is an indication of skill why?
  3. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    No one said it was. However, it is an indication of experience, and you can't argue that there isn't a certain amount of skill directly associated with experience.

    Level limitations seem like a bit of slippery slope. My fear would be that a few months down the road the majority of servers might opt to implement this, giving new players few places to go and potentially turning them away from the game. Do you know of any games that allow for this, and how well it turned out?
    Last edited: January 26, 2011
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    People who have played more tend to be better, or at least more experienced or less likely to have the new player's "wtf this sucks" reaction to getting stomped by better players. Sure there will be low level players who are good and high level players who continue to suck, but it IS a good indication of whether a player is NEW or not.

    You see "newbies only" servers/lobbies in other games, but in MNC we could actually have a simple way to enforce it. I support the idea of a max level setting to enable "newbies only" servers.

    Allowing a MINIMUM level is a different story.. as much as I dislike being dragged down by a bad team, I don't think built-in elitism would be good for the game. I don't really want a way to segregate the game by skill level, just a way for new players to get their feet wet before jumping in all the way.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    If you allow them to get their feet wet before experiencing the real deal they will already fall back to bad habits induced by those "easy" servers, hurting them more in the long-run than the regular route. Sure it's nicer for a short while but you'll just hurt yourself.

    Endure being tossed around and get to toss others around, do it right - do it well.
  6. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    At least players can decide whether to join the beginner, veteran, or all server. High level players are not forced to join the high level only servers, they can still join the all allowed server. Nothing changes for them. This option helps beginners who are tired of getting pubstomped and high level players who want a challenge instead of stomping all noobs all day. You can argue that noobs should just get better. Well, or they could get frustrated and quit. We don't want that.
  7. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    This is my thought too, this is a somewhat small game. It has a healthy player base, but not a gigantic player base. It is way too easy for too many servers to put a level gate in, cutting noobs out of the game.

    You have to be careful what settings you give people, they can be stupid with them.
  8. cpugeek13

    cpugeek13 New Member

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    I would suggest having a "beginner server" option that has an upper limit of maybe 10 or 15. I don't think it is necessary for the server operator to be able to set a specific number. Whether the community is large or small, there will always be beginners.

    Also, we shouldn't forget the fact that low-level noobies can really screw over a team, sometimes unintentionally. For example, player hunting assassins or shotgun rushing supports. If we could give them a place away from regular competitive matches to mature past these antics I think it would be great for everyone.
  9. trogdor5

    trogdor5 New Member

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    Meh, I'm not so sure about that... When I was new, so was pretty much everybody else and it was a good experience. You have time to learn the maps, familiarize yourself with the skillset, and get the general feel for how games play out.

    I don't think there's any such thing as "bad habits" in video games. That's just called being bad at the game. Players that are good at video games adapt and learn from what other people do to them. Sure it might be tough in the beginning, but better than being smacked around while not even knowing what skills the other player has in his arsenal.
  10. thesambasti

    thesambasti Member

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    Small problem. Beta players had their levels reset. Which means when I was a two a few days ago (when the game was released) I was able to roll people more than 3 times my level.
  11. Rynex

    Rynex New Member

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    The problem with this is that it would be to make it more difficult for players to join games, which would just annoy the majority of people trying to connect. I can understand that some people want to play with people there own skill level, but I really think newbies are better off learning how good players operate on the field and figuring it out from that.
  12. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    ROFL if they implement this now then i'll be playing with the newbies! Have only played once since the final release and I am probably only about level 4! This is going to grant me easy victories! Hence why this really won't work well... :/
  13. univern72

    univern72 New Member

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    I'm down for a level max, but a level min may not necessarily be good. If you want to play against non-newbie players, then you should try to find MNC community or a team to play with, if possible.
  14. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    I don't really think level restrictions are the way to go, because i've seen some players at lvl 3 who are better than ones at lvl 30.

    A simple fix for this would be to increase map sizes and increase the number of bot lanes from 2 to 5 or 6 while also increasing team sizes from 6 to maybe 8 or 10. This might make the game unbalanced on small maps but i think it could work on bigger ones.
  15. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Indeed, after the statreset from the beta, levels mean jack. It would probably only lead to smurfing.
  16. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I vote for 64-man teams and 20 bot lanes! BRING ON THE BATTLEFIELD! :twisted:
  17. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    Redefining Monday Night Combat since '11 :p
  18. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    You get better by playing with better players, not by playing with newbies.
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    It's not just about getting better

    It's about having a little time to get familiar with crossfire without dying every 5 seconds

    By definition they would eventually be forced out of the newbie servers anyway, it's not like people could just stay there forever
  20. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    By the time this is implemented, all beta players will be high level.

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