Request for GUI feature #3 (Summary)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by cat1974, March 23, 2014.

  1. cat1974

    cat1974 New Member

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    Hi again,

    I have now read some threads and like to sum up my previous ideas.

    I also have drawn some pictures (sorry for the bad quality it's a rough paint sketch).

    I also included a few ideas I've read which I won't cite (because I'm a bit lazy and the peaople who invented that ideas know that they are theirs).

    So without further ado:

    I would like to see the following additions to the GUI.
    Left side Unit icons, down side building icons, right side route icons.


    On the left side of the screen you have a + icon (transparant and stylish - not like my drawing).
    If you click it it generates a 1 icon beneath. You then can select a group of units, then right click the 1 icon and the group is saved (yeah I know Starcraft 2 does that too).
    By left clicking you select the group (also no biggy).
    By selecting a factory and then shift right clicking the 1 icon the factory output is automatically added to group 1 reinforcing it. (See also Request for GUI feature #1).
    If you click the + icon again it would generate the next unit group 2, then 3 etc.
    With this you also wouldn't be restricted to just 10 groups, you could have as much as there is space on the left side (20, 30 maybe)

    At the bottom of the screen you would have another + icon. Clicking it would generate an alpha icon. When you left click it the building menu would appear with all tech levels (it would have to moved a little bit upwards, because like with units clicking the + icon would add beta then gamma etc).
    You can now holding down shift preplan your building queue, even advanced buildings and of course also templates (which you could create in the armory maybe).
    If you are satisfied right click the alpha symbol and the queue is saved.
    You could see your plan anytime by holding down shift.
    All buildings would have 3 symbols on them an up arrow a down arrow and a greek letter with a number (the number representing the place in the chain).
    If you want a building (for example alpha3) sooner click the down arrow and it would go towards the beginning of the queue (swapping place with alpha2). If you want it build later click the up arrow.
    The position of the building on the map could be changed by drag and drop (SupCom style).
    When you want it built later just select a fabber (or more than one) and right click the alpha icon and builing begins in the designated order.
    But now for something new.
    You select fabber(s). You hold down shift. You right click alpha3. Fabber(s) will go there and build it directly (not building 1 and 2 first). This way you could react to certain situations (like I need that AA now).
    You would of course need the fabber with the right tech level to build (start building) advanced structures.


    At the right side of the screen again the + icon.
    You click it, it generates A (then B then C etc.)
    You click A, hold down shift, generate a route to your liking, the right click A to save it.
    By holding down shift the routes are visible and you also can drag and drop the waypoints around (SupCom style).
    Each waypoint has a small icon (A1, A2, B1, C99 etc) when you right click it a small menu pops up and you can program the waypoint behaviour like let units wait till game time xx:xx before sending them to the next waypoint (in formation or not) for coordinated attacks. Or let the units wait until a cerain number of them is reached then send them to the next waypoint maybe even in formation (like SupCom formations) or whatever else you can imagine makes sense (after all a small menue pops up - perhaps name the formation in passing by - I am open for ideas).
    You later then select units (or factories or both) shift right click A, all units (and or outputs) go to A1 then A2 etc. with the programmed behaviour.

    Ok this was rather more to write than I thought. Thank you for you patience and please tell me if I left some things not clear.

    And special thanks to LavaSnake, tatsujb and nightbasilisk.

    P.S.: I think the factoriy pause and factory repeat buttons would make more sense to the left and right of the shown units (see arrows) for then you had to move your mouse less :)

    Attached Files:

  2. cat1974

    cat1974 New Member

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    I forgot to say you could of course build your buildings as usual. All you had added to your UI screen would be 3 little + icons (of course transparent not like in my drawing), which I hope would't hurt anybody that doesn't wish to preplan.

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