Is Multi-planet Spawning Working?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sius, March 21, 2014.

  1. sius

    sius New Member

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    Maybe its just me, but since the patch I’ve tried over many 20 planet generations (all new) to do the multi planet spawns. I play just against AI, but every single game so far has been just the 1st planet only just as it always has that only had the spawn points.

    Am I missing something?, I can’t see how to get any other spawn points at all and the lack of other posts on this is making me worried I'm being a dummy here.

    As always, great game Uber, thanks for the hard work.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    You need to manually create system in editor and toggle "starting planet" checkbox on multiple planets.
    Then load this system and run game and now you'll able to chose spawn on any of starting planets. ;)
    sius likes this.
  3. lalando

    lalando New Member

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    multi planet spawn works fine. Seems planets will be filled in order, meaning that if spawn point 1 and 2 are on planet 1, while 3 and 4 are on planet 2, there is still a chance the AI (or human enemy) will spawn on the same planet as you. However, if 1, 2, and 3 are on planet 1, and 4 is on 2, by choosing 4, you'll effectively force the AI to spawn on the other planet.

    Note: The AI was still present on my planet before I'd barely set up defenses. Given the timer on interstellar flight, that almost seems impossible... is that timer applied to AI invasions as well? Furthermore: for reasons unbeknownst, the AI chose to send in the commander with the advanced strike team, allowing me to annihilate the enemy, before I'd barely established orbital control... Someone should teach the AI not to use the commander as a shock trooper...

    What to me is the potential and appeal of this game, is building up your base, establishing land, air, naval and orbital control, seizing moons for profit, then launching an interplanetary invasion, having to beat your way through enemy defenses to get there, or alternatively just throw a moon at them... (would be interesting to see some sort of anti-moon defense, which of course should be equally resource-consuming to build as X amount of Halleys, so that you can opt for a defensive or offensive tactic, or jack of all trades, at the risk of failing both...
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Sorian was talking on the latest playtest stream about the improvements he needed to make in the AI's handling of orbital and invasions.
  5. sius

    sius New Member

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    AWW - I see now! I assumed when you ticked the boxes it'd un-select the previous planets in rotation, allowing for only one 'starting planet'. Maybe reworded to spawnable planet (tick) maybe more reader friendly.

    But excellent, thanks for all the replies - now if you excuse me, I have some planets to conquer ^_^

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