1 more topic about experimentals.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sokolek, September 17, 2012.


capturable alien factories that produce good, non insane experimentals? Explained below poll.

  1. yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. no

    46 vote(s)
  1. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    What about not buildable capturable alien factories that slowly produce good, capable and not insane experimentals?
  2. luukdeman111

    luukdeman111 Member

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    the problem with not insane experimentals is that they will be mostly useless. the problem with insane experimentals is that they will probably be OP. I think experimentals will simply not work very well in this game...
  3. theavatarofwar

    theavatarofwar New Member

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    Why is it we constantly have posts of new ideas here, and when the answer is overwhelmingly negative, it gets turned into a poll to discuss all over again?
  4. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    If the unit produced can win the game easily, it is mandatory to capture the factory. If the time and effort needed to capture the factory and build the unit without the factory being destroyed by the enemy means that you fall behind in production and are overrun, it's pointless.

    I cannot see a situation where you would not have already steamrolled the opponent where it would be worthwhile.
  5. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    If the unit produced can win the game easily, it is mandatory to capture the factory. If the time and effort needed to capture the factory and build the unit without the factory being destroyed by the enemy means that you fall behind in production and are overrun, it's pointless.

    I cannot see a situation where you would not have already steamrolled the opponent where it would be worthwhile.
  6. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    Personally I love insanity but other people don't. Read this
  7. memorykill

    memorykill New Member

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    Instead, i think experimentals should act sorta like mini boss's perhaps, one off units that can signigicantly aid or hinder a side, fly off to a stray asteriod to locate a powered down automaton, capturing it would start a rebuild of the unit, that unit is now a one off, snooze-ya-loose weapon of offense, defense, or one of the other, once its gone its gone. It should be designed as such that it could either maybe have a time limit of usage, has a huge strength but also a huge weakness (massive range, low damage. Or, can shield a planet temporarily but has no attack, and once its used up its used up).

    They should work cleverly, serve a purpose and ofcourse be limited, but im all for them, if there done right!
  8. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    In other poll people discussed insane experimentals. Now we are discussing not insane experimentals.
  9. asgo

    asgo Member

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    You know a topic outlived its usefulness, if you see polls about polls on this topic. Truly dead is a topic, when fun polls rise up (factions anyone?).
    So this topic seems to be stage two, let's see how fast it progresses.

    By the way
    just to keep my definitions straight, is a sane experimental still an experimental or already production line quality? ;)
  10. luukdeman111

    luukdeman111 Member

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    Yeah, I read the threat. But, like discussed there, if you make experimentals insane those units would not neccesarily be OP in terms of strength/cost but they would always put the focus of the game on getting an experimental as soon as possible. In Supcom: FA they decided to nerf the experimentals a bit which made them pretty much perfect for that game.

    However, that system would not work here because this is not supcom: FA, this game is not about getting experimentals, it's about expanding your force across multiple planets, dominating it with a sheer amount of units and ultimately annihilating planets with KEW's, and i don't see experimentals fit in there.
  11. sorynarkayn

    sorynarkayn New Member

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    Before we can decide on whether or not Alien Experimental Factories should be in PA, FIRST, there needs to be a concensus about whether or not Experimentals should be included in Planetary Annihilation.

    Because it seems like a lot of TA fans don't want Experimentals, whereas a lot of SupCom fans do want Experimentals.

    Personally, I'm a fan of both games, so I'd like to see Minor Experimentals in PA, similar to those in SupCom2.

    One of the reasons why I'm against near-invincible game-ending Major Experimentals, like the Monkeylord and Galactic Colossus, is that they might be obsolete in PA. We know from the KS trailer that battles take place on multiple planets, moons, and asteroids. A giant Experimental will presumably be trapped on the planet it's built, rendering it useless for inter-planetary battles (unless there are Experimental Transports or teleportation, which is a whole 'nother can o' worms). The stretch goals reveal that there will be Water worlds, Orbital units, Gas Giants, Lava worlds, and Metal worlds. A land Experimental will be useless on Water worlds, in orbit, or on the "high mountains" of Gas Giants. And if there are orbital weapons, they could snipe Experimentals from orbit with impunity.

    So the OP needs to totally re-think his idea, because it might be irrelevant for PA.
  12. thapear

    thapear Member

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    I'm a fan of both, and I'd prefer not to have experimentals.
    Yup, that's it. No explanation.
  13. AfailingHORSE

    AfailingHORSE Member

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    I'm pretty sure most poeple if not everyone said no when you last made this topic, what makes you think there going to change there minds?
  14. Thundertactics

    Thundertactics New Member

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    I'm a fan of both, too: I like the idea of Experimentals, or rather, the idea of certain Experimentals.

    I don't like Experimentals that essentially amount to "an army, but consumes only 1 point of your pop cap". I do like Experimentals that make for interesting gameplay options. This is actually one of the few things where SupCom 2 seemed to have the right idea, sometimes. I'm talking about cannons that shoot units (which are fortunately also in PA) and teleportation beacons. I'm talking about mobile stealth/cloak field generators and point defence turrets that capture enemy units instead of killing them. There's also certain merit to mobile (and armed) factories, which usually didn't quite work out in SupCom 1 and FA (for the "factory" purpose, at least), but were practically OP in SupCom 2, as well as other experimentals that let you rapidly set up a forward base. (Such as powerful mobile artillery that's overpriced compared to its stationary alternative but at least features similar range and damage)
  15. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    we have to stop to throw random ideas into this forum...
    if you have an idea, elaborate on it, but not post a single sentence without really any information
  16. tankhunter678

    tankhunter678 New Member

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    Personally I am for Minor Experimentals of the kind found in SupCom2. Units with a focused role that is somewhat expensive and large, but good at its job. Like the Airnomo Illuminate Experimental. Which was an excellent source of mobile AA that still had some ground punch. They were never powerful enough to be an army by itself, but added to an army by helping you fill what was needed, at a premium.

    Not to mention losing one of those was not as much of a loss, they could be replaced more easily.
  17. sacrificiallamb

    sacrificiallamb Member

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    I'm convinced he's a troll.

  18. gleming

    gleming New Member

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    But also, I believe that experimentals hold an area of awesome that needs to be captured in some way so that PA can be completely as awesome as it could be. I think that experimentls like the ones in SupCom and FA are just too large for this game, and like sorynarkayn said they would be difficult to transport if not impossible. Not to mention that from what I hear about the backstory all of these 'faction(s)' are robots left from ages past with whatever schematics they have in their databanks, what says that they would have experimentals at all? They would probably have only the necessary schematics to do their job. (not experimental units) I personally believe that the experimental category can be replaced with a T3 unit/building list that is more powerful that T2 of course but can still be destroyed by T1 and T2, just like T3 in SupCom.

    Or the feeling of an experimental could be replaced with the horror the enemy feels when they realize that the asteroid moving over their base is covered in hundreds of artillery.
  19. SwiftBlizz

    SwiftBlizz Member

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    Would function just like minor experimentals in SupCom2; and they were a nice twist on gameplay. :)
    Tho it would be a pain to move them between planets. ^_^
    Yes, no major experimentals as we can just have orbital bombardments! xD
  20. mysterio9997

    mysterio9997 New Member

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    You know another good idea would be to have an experimental unit cap, like having a maximum of 3 or four, it could spice up the game.

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