Lost in space

Discussion in 'Support!' started by jimmyg173, March 20, 2014.

  1. jimmyg173

    jimmyg173 New Member

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    Just played a game with 2 planets and a crashable moon. We happened to finish the last halley and launch it at the main planet just as one of the enemy commanders was travelling over to the moon in an astraeus. The commander ended up chasing the moon towards the main planet until it crashed at which point the enemy commander stopped moving and was just hanging in space. We couldn't send our avengers to attack him in the middle of nowhere so the game could never officially end. Couldn't find a mention of this elsewhere in the bug posts but doubt it will happen very often!
  2. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    There doesn't appear to be a bug report about that yet in the bug tracker. Please do make one there as well.
  3. jimmyg173

    jimmyg173 New Member

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    Done, task added. Thanks for the link

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