Air, Bots, Vehicles, Turrents, Economy, Advanced It's all balanced why people don't see it.

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by quevin, March 19, 2014.

  1. quevin

    quevin New Member

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    a 600 Radius planet for 1 vs 1.

    Everything is counter-able!!!!!!!!!!!!

    people feel like T1 unit need to do more, why?
    they are meat-shield compared to advanced counterpart.

    Turrets are balanced.

    economy is balanced.

    Why people complain:
    They apparently didn't see Everything Has It Use.
    On a single planet with only air, bots and vehicle every single aspect of how the unit work is balanced. But now people start saying it isn't but when i see the people who say it use there armies. They don't use they unit to there full potential. Yes, people I have seen many people play this game and play myself, but why do u not notice that everything is counter-able. I have made a build that at this moment is so good, because I think about everything. I am not going to share this build yet until I explored the weaknesses. At the moment the weakness of this build is you build so fast and so stable that I am not able to drain my resources ... Making more T2 factories making a second nuke making more scouts. I am not able to drain, and because i am scouting the opponent from 3 min till the end of the game I know all what he does.

    Post kindly please,
    Want to know a counter to something u think is OP.
    I will help u out!

    Fore Example:
    Gunships Aka Kestrals are too strong.
    They get counter really easy with T1 bots called stinger giving area patrol in your base.
    Because kestrals focus on one target at the time. Because all those stinger are roaming it's hard for kestrals to get through. In the meanwhile they drop like flies. 90 metal stinger against 540 metal kestral and T1 vs T2 build time.

    My opinion about the best way for T2 air, mostly kestrels.
    There are fast moving air support for your ground unit.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I think you'll find yourself to be in severe disagreement with most of the forum.
    vyolin likes this.
  3. quevin

    quevin New Member

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    That's why i said post kindly and i will help u out figuring how to counter alot
  4. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    How do you counter turrets with T1 units?
  5. quevin

    quevin New Member

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    As i said T1 units are mostly meatshield, and u will want to use the doxxes or stinger for aa cover and assist with gil-e for long range fast take out of turrent I mostly only use T1 fireflies, stinger and fabs thats all

    You don't want to kill turrents with T1, you want to avoid it.
  6. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    That's not a counter, that's admitting that the game isn't balanced yet. Turrets totally shut down T1 and the the only way to take them down is with T2 and Pelter creep.

    I don't see why you think PA has good balance right now. It's still in development and not finished.
    vyolin likes this.
  7. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    this tactic is easily beaten by sending in all your fighters and letting them take the hits because the units and turrets do not prioritize certain enemies( something I think they should do. with player customisability on what they should target in menu or just normal pre-sets by uber)they just shoot at the closest one.
  8. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    I think there's a basic misunderstanding of balance.

    Most would agree that Rock-Paper-Scissors is balanced.
    Meanwhile, Rock-Paper-Scissors-Dynamite is almost certainly 'unbalanced'. The game is fair, in that both players have access to the same moves and the same outcomes, and dynamite can be countered and carries its own inherent risks, but ultimately dynamite is still the best of the moves, and that affects the entire nature of the game and how it's played.

    Since RTSs are more complex, there's almost always some level of imbalance, and usually some level of counterbalance. It's very rare that an RTS devolves to a state where the only counter to a strategy is to do that same strategy faster than your opponent. But don't let this mislead you into thinking that a game is balanced merely because it is fair.
    ace902902, godde, broadsideet and 2 others like this.
  9. sirmantron

    sirmantron Active Member

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    Exactly this. having a counter to everything is not balance.
  10. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Come play in one of the community tournaments.
  11. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Hmm... I think this topic is quite interesting.

    You tell us to accept that this creation (this game) is balanced the way it was created (by the developers).

    Most of us disagree with your opinion of the game being balanced. A boring fact.

    The creators (the developers) themselves (those who created this balanced game) believe the game to be unbalanced. In fact, not that much effort has gone into balancing this creation at all yet. The developers are currently working on turning the game into something that they themselves percieve as something balanced.

    So, the creators disagree with you about their own creation. This is quite interesting.
    Martenus and godde like this.
  12. quevin

    quevin New Member

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    I could be because I am actually liking a game we're everything is counter-able and everything is hard. It's not an easy game, that why i mostly play game with a higher difficulty scale for example. Starting Borderlands 1 in play through 2 at lvl 1 was way more fun than play through 1.

    The think is it's hard for people at the moment to counter something easily, I calculated the most efficient amount of production for every single unit.

    I like hard and tactical games, The community tournament are something different as I am playing on those planets. The way the build is easily counter-able. I am still improving myself, that the point for me not to start a tournament straight away.
  13. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. Are you saying that it's okay to not be able to counter something because the game is supposed to be hard?
    stuart98 likes this.
  14. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    The way to create an impenetrable fortress is to think of all the possible ways to kill your commander and build the counter for all of those individual strategies. Once you have those in place, you build more, because any defense in PA can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

    This is not the way to win against a player who knows what he is doing. You will be so busy trying to counter everything that you will be blindsided to what the enemy is thinking, doing, preparing. You aren't on the battlefield to be invincible; you are on the battlefield to win.

    You cannot just scout the enemy base. You have to extrapolate from his current strategy to his next strategy. You have to be three steps ahead. Think what he thinks. See what he sees. Otherwise, you're just throwing your shield up and blinding yourself to the attack.

    Another way to do this that most people do is just becoming technically skilled at the game. Examples are Matiz, Godde, Gunshin, and Clopse to some extent. Even OrbNet relies on it to win games most of the time. The problem is that this takes many months of practice (in some cases, years). We don't have that time.

    When you learn to see what you are looking at, you will have the victory.

    EDIT: Next time you see me in the asteroid lounge on Teamspeak, shoot me a PM. I'll show you what I mean.
    Last edited: March 20, 2014
    stuart98 likes this.
  15. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    This is driving me nuts. Why do you spell out every word in full except "you"!? WHY!?
    mered4 likes this.
  16. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    I am this close to writing a grammar and spelling guide.
    Murcanic and Geers like this.
  17. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Do it. You must. For the good of all of us. Except the ones who are dead...
    Murcanic likes this.
  18. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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  19. soliderfighter

    soliderfighter Member

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    Well my state; Not balanced enough (especially turrets).
  20. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The game doesn't play too badly at the moment.

    T2 is a big jump from T1 and is pretty cheap (compared to the cost jump in TA / Spring) which has tended to promote rushing to T2. Apart from that I'm not too worried.

    Turrets are very strong (mainly due to walls) although it's hard to protect a large area so this is mainly a problem if you're against a turtle player (in which case you're better off hitting them with weapons other than untis anyway). I've had a few 1 v 1 where players rush cons into my territory and start building turrets but this is easy enough to counter (the commander is pretty much impervious to single and double barrel turrets, and if you have units you can kill them before they get them up).

    Overall I think the balance needs tweaking but I partially agree with the OP at least to the level that it isn't *that* broken.

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