I have attached the output of Code: % Planetary\ Annihilation/PA > pa.txt 2>&1 Issues: Code: Shaders fail to compile (require GLSL 1.5) GLSL 1.5 is part of OpenGL 3.3 which in turn is part of Mesa 10.1 which was [\url]lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2014-March/055364DOThtml]released[\url] on Tue Mar 4 2014. Mesa 10.1 is not part of Fedora 20.0, but will most likely be [\url=fedorahostedDOTorg/fesco/ticket/1252]soon[\url]. Code: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Libudev0 is not part of Fedora 20.0. It is theoretically possible to add the steam runtime environment to your ld(1) path, but this will overwrite libraries that actually do exist on Fedora 20.0 and may cause system breakage. What you want to do is Code: cp -av $STEAM_DIR/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0* /usr/local/lib64/ && ldconfig Code: $STEAM_DIR/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/PA: /lib64/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by $STEAM_DIR/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/PA) No idea about that one, google doesn't turn up anything useful either.
Unfortunately you can't do anything at moment: Code: [14:22:55.697] INFO OpenGL Vendor: X.Org [14:22:55.697] INFO OpenGL Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD JUNIPER [14:22:55.697] INFO OpenGL Version: 3.0 Mesa 9.2.5 [14:22:55.697] INFO OpenGL Shader Language Version: 1.30 Current version of game is not compatible with open source drivers: PA#3057 Mesa version doesn't mater here and won't help you because it's something developers need to fix first.
It's doesn't mater because game failed to load not because of supported/unsupported GL features. It's fail/crash because it's need OpenGL 3.3 features with compatibility context that is not supported by Mesa. E.g game use both OpenGL 2.1 and 3.3 features, but first one was removed in 3.1 core profile and later.
Mesa 10.1 will be hit the Fedora 20.0 repos in the coming days. That would mean its one of the first I believe distributions to bring OpenGL 3.3 support to the end user.
Since today, Fedora 20.0 ships Mesa 10.1 and therefore OpenGL 3.3. The screen after starting the game remains - unsurprisingly - black.
With the newest update today the game now correctly complains about failing to create the OpenGL context.
I'm hoping to switch the game to using a Core context on Linux in an upcoming update, but I am unable to test (or guarantee that it'll be working) on open source drivers. I'm glad the game fails in a more descriptive way with this update, at least. Baby steps. ;-)