Join Session In Progress

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ian, August 12, 2010.

  1. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    This has been mentioned in other threads, but I figure it needs its own thread. I'd like to hear what others have experienced

    Join Session In Progress and I have had a love/hate relationship today. Sometimes, it'll join. Other times, it'll straight out refuse to connect for no reason (I knew there was space in the game!)
  2. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Yea sometimes certain players wont be able to connect to the host im not sure why...
  3. LizzieBorden

    LizzieBorden New Member

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    I think the 'join in progress' is a good idea - but would like to know how they determine when you join (versus waiting for a new game) and what stage the game is in before bumping you to the next slot.

    I was just thrown in a match where one side had the clear advantage - and they won within minutes of joining. Overall, I think that's acceptable since you can just hang in the lobby till the next game - but you need to make the joining player somewhat on par with the others already in the game.

    The players I joined with had significant points in their abilities, yet I start with $200?

    At minimum, you should scale the player's cash to an appropriate level to be competitive.

    Otherwise - I'm having a blast with the game!

    Congrats Uber!

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