Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by omg its n, January 25, 2011.

  1. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    A good way I think this could all be balanced out is this: During standard play, increase the amount of money you get for hitting the Moneyball, which would make your main objective much more attractive. Also, adding how much damage an individual did to the Moneyball to the scoreboard would be great.

    (Also, lower the amount of damage the Assault's bomb does to the Moneyball. It is insane right now.)
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    hey, you have one post at a time, either use it to troll me, or post fruitful ideas. dont do both.

    and yes, im trying to make you choose because HOPEFULLY you would choose to comment on topic over commenting about me.

    anyhow, i said pretty much what hudson said. turrets are protectable with some work, but you need probably the majority of your team going after damaging the enemy's bots, turrets, and moneyball.

    think of it this way, if you dont damage the enemy moneyball at all, then the very very best you can hope for is a tie. thats if you play like God picked up a controller himself and was playing. now, if the best you can hope for is a tie, then all it takes is a richocet shuriken to knick the ball and then you officially lose. one single shuriken and you lose. so nothing but defence just isnt an option.

    there are particular classes that cant damage the moneyball well, like gunner especially, and he can slam-drill juicers, so he should defend his own in overtime. the support can keep juicers off his moneyball AND juice-hhgun the enemies, but id say probably go offence in overtime. the assault and assassin have no excuse to not be attacking in overtime, even if your an assault and want to help push back the first juice-wave, you should at least go offence after the first wave is repelled.

    somebody should be attacking something sometime during the game. wana turtle the game into overtime, then learn to win in overtime, or start going a bit offencive and win before overtime. everything i said was pretty much also conveyed by hudson, so nobody make an *** outtta themselves and mess with me after this :?:
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    As it turns out, I don't have a post limit. I can post as many times as I want.
    No, your previous post was about crowd control, about how your tourny team bailed on you, and how you are "awsome" at crowd control. Hudson's post was about the inability to win a game using a purely defensive strategy. Also, I'm able to read his posts because he uses capitalization, punctuation, and his ideas are organized. If you want people to read your posts at least make it easy on the eyes. Also, better content doesn't hurt.
    You make yourself look like a bigger *** and larger idiot with every additional post. All I did was call you out on it. Let me premake your next post for you. Feel free to fill in the blanks yourself.
    street fighter_______my tournament team bailed on me_________im a excellent player_________c&c renegade__________level 1 lazor blazors arent worthless________[Insert lame joke.]________why does everybody hate me
  4. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    Am I just seeing things because if I switch to a juice build during overtime I start with 80% of my bar filled, compared to 40% without the juice endorsement build? I know that OT essentially gives you every gold endorsement but it doesn't seem that it gives you juice endorsement, just a bump in starting juice. I just tested it and juice endorsement definitely doubles how much Juice you spawn with in OT (from 40% to 80%ish).

    Is that quote directed towards me? It's not that it is overpowered, think of it as way to catch the common player up if they died just before OT kicks in, they see their moneyball go down on the minimap and OT kick in so they hit the juice endorsement class. Now this individual can catch up to those that didn't die easier than without the juice endorsement.

    If you were referring to slot placement on endorsements, then I think you read my post wrong. I know that slot doesn't matter because of the bump to gold and you get most of the endorsements, if that's you were referring to. All I am saying is having any juice endorsement if respawning in OT or close to OT is a big advantage that you get over not having juice endorsement.

    I'm not arguing or anything, just trying to understand the game better.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Juice endorsements don't give you a set amount. It's a random percentage based upon your endorsements. Gold Juice about 40% - 80% filled upon respawning.
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    you forgot charge 3
  7. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    If you have that many kills and that much money, overtime is approaching, and you still haven't damaged the other team's money ball, you should think about changing classes to something that's more offensive.
  8. SaintSeiya

    SaintSeiya New Member

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    Seems like OP was mad after a loss and made this topic, Overtime could be tweaked a little but it is fine.
  9. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    the only thing broken about ot are the bot spawner's. 1 takes my moneys but give no gremlins/gapshots. it makes mes very sad and.....

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  10. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    To add my $0.02, although I've expressed similar sentiments elsewhere:

    I would prefer to see juice either disabled, or curtailed during overtime.

    My reasoning: Overtime is designed to be a tiebreaker that forces a winner when none has been forthcoming in regulation time. To this aim, it should make destruction of the moneyball in a shorter amount of time feasible. It also serves an entertainment purpose of raising the stakes and being "crazy", which makes things exciting for players and give a climactic end to the match.

    Certainly the current setup does the latter. Overtimes are nuts. And it also does the former, in that almost every overtime results in one or the other team destroying the opposing moneyball BEFORE the time runs out. So on its face, OT works correctly and achieves its two main purposes.

    However, there are countervailing factors to consider, mainly whether a game's outcome seems too "random". To elaborate, a game in OT has, by definition, lasted 15 minutes, and been close enough that neither team has been able to destroy the other team's moneyball. This means that players are somewhat invested and usually should enter OT with a feeling that they COULD win (assuming its not a 100% ball vs a 2% ball at the start of OT). It can therefore be frustrating when a game ends in a matter of 27 seconds after OT is declared when a wave of juiced players washes into the base and effectively ignores turrets and only vaugely pays attention to enemy pros.

    So my question is, can the crazy, fast paced feel, and game ending purpose of OT be preserved, while reducing the feeling that it is "random" in outcome? My answe is that if juice were disabled entirely during OT, the existing features would still be enough to make for a fast paced game ending. These features are 1) Constant Jackbot XL spawning, 2) Bacon for everyone, and most importantly 3) Dropped Balls in both bases.

    Those 3 things make it pretty easy for a coordinated team to get in there and damage the ball, but without juice, there is a much greater ability for players to actually defend AND attack. It becomes more strategic. Turrets that have been built up and strategically defended actually matter. A team must decide how to split it Pro resrouces between offense and defense.

    I am fully aware that juice dpes not equal complete godlike invulnerability. Many will surely chime in to remind me that Juicers can be controlled by appropriately skilled players. No doubt. However, strategy games are most fun when there are many strategies to choise from. OT as it stands has one. Buy juice and attack as aggressively as possible, caring only for hitting the ball as often as possible. i think an OT without juice, but retaining all the other features of OT would be more interesting, just as exciting, and would lead to much less frustration on the losing side.
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Not only this, but I think the amount of money obtained should depend on the magnitude of damage done. For example, a single Gunner bullet does almost no damage to the Moneyball, whereas 1 shot from the shotgun does quite a bit. It's hardly fair for both to earn the same amount of money per hit.
  12. mute

    mute New Member

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    I agree with the damage = money thing (which is actually an issue that goes beyond the MB), but the rest I dont....

    OT is what it is.. the same thing happens in all sports really. There's a randomness to it, but the team that's the most prepared for the madness first usually wins. That's why if I'm playing with a team and sometimes with randy's I'll constantly call out the game time when it gets under 4 mins.. hopefully giving others on my team the chance to get their juice ready.

    Plus., there are few things in the game as gratifying as sneaking out from under some spawn camping ***hole team, run over to their base.. wait for the OT, and destroy their MB before they even have a chance. They could've won the game 5 minutes earlier, but decided it was more important to kill farm in the lamest way there is. If some of you got your way, that type of vengeance wouldn't be possible.

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