[Tournament] Official PACE League - Commander of March - 15th March

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Martenus, March 5, 2014.

  1. gamingalife

    gamingalife New Member

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    Can I get a confirmation if I am on the main or reserve list, I signed up about an hour ago.
  2. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    You're on the main. You are the last person on there.
  3. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Took me about 20 minutes rendering planets in editor, but I found it! Full water! Yeeeeiyks! About 99% of the planet is water, thete are some super small isles.
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
  4. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Just a confirmation, there will be HARD AI competing in the tournament. The actual HARD AI, yes. The only thing is ... I cannot force it to use PA Stats! :( @Cola_Colin / @sorian is there any way it can show stats for AI on PA Stats? Or just for you Cola, is it possible to show the difficulty of AI players face on stats? I believe it only says AI now no matter the difficulty.
  5. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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  6. gamingalife

    gamingalife New Member

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    amagawad, I am vs Master Void in first round, he plays like 8 hours a day :D time to take out the vaseline
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I object to it being the hard AI. Why is the AI being allowed an economic advantage? If the AI gets one why are lower seeded players not also being given this advantage? If it's because the AI isn't finished... so what? Neither is the development of myself or any other participating player.

    You have Twitch links for Marshall and TheWrongCat mixed up.

    Is this still a $50 tournament? All reference to the prize distribution and sponsor (is this one I'm sponsoring?) seem to have disappeared.

    What would be handy for spectators this tournament would be somewhere which lists which caster is streaming which game. I don't believe there was such a sheet last time, and most casters PM'd people rather than announcing in IRC.

    You should add the IRC link alongside the Teamspeak link on Challonge, especially as the IRC one is more important.
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
    cptconundrum likes this.
  8. j4cko

    j4cko Member

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    Hey guys, really sorry but got pretty ill and I won't stand sitting in front of monitor that long today.

    I have to give it a pass this time. HF&GL to attendees!
  9. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    AI is super stupid. It needs to have the economic advantage. I played two games today against HARD AI and I had more mex income than he did. Same with the energy later ingame. It is basically just an advantage to the start. Considering it is really quite stupid, we want to see how it performs. A normal AI is too easy target for competitive players (yes I do consider every participant a competitive player, or at least a want-to-be and beating hard AI shouldn't be a problem for anyone).

    Fixed the twitch.

    $50 is correct. I forgot to add a tab about it to the tournament sheet. Will fix it after lunch.

    I will ask streamers to name their twitch broadcasting accordingly, you can !twitch on IRC.

    Added the IRC link.
  10. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    and they just dropped an update on us!
    - new turret art
    - planet smashing bug fixed
    - smart formations
    - AI improments
    - pref improvements

    but no rebalancing, so that's good news
  11. jonathanstey

    jonathanstey Member

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    btw I have a challonge account. I have no clue about how to link it with the brackets but the name is jonathansty I think
  12. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    All participants can still try to up their 1v1 ranking in pa ladder by playing 1v1's today.
    I'll update the seeds of the tourney 2 minutes before start.

    Also following participants with "fail" are unknown to PA Ladder if you could give me your correct PA Ladder name I'll update your ranking

    Looking forward to tonight :)
  13. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    I linked it.
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    That's stupid. If you give the AI an economic bonus for poor play then you need to do the same for every player at that same level. Hell, why is the line being drawn at the AI? Compared to matiz's play, I'm stupid, where the hell is my eco bonus? Why is this not a gradual eco bonus across the tournament for all players based on seed? That you expect it to do poorly is irrelevant; there are other players I expect to do poorly, I don't think they should get eco advantages. Hell, isn't the entire point of seeding and subsequent matchmaking to handle this? Put the AI as bottom seed.

    The AI should either compete the same as everyone else or it shouldn't compete at all.
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
  15. tut768

    tut768 New Member

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    I thought you were supposed to be paired up with people of your own skill level. I've been paired up with dutchmikey and have a ranking of about 1940 this doesn't seem compleatly even.
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The first round pairs the top half of the seeds with the bottom half. It gets more even as the rounds go on.
  17. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    seems fine to me.
  18. tut768

    tut768 New Member

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    I just tried a game against the hard AI and was beaten at the very beggining just because of that early eco boost
  19. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    First round is very inaccurate, the futher in tournament, the better it gets. Second round should be more ok and third round and on should be completely ok for you.

    Don't worry. You learn more form games you lose than from games you win. Just don't forget to review the game, check your PA Stats graphs, ask a better player for an advice and fix the mistakes you made.

    The journey to succcess is lined with failures.
  20. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    We decided that Hard AI will compete during the tournament for testing purposes. Normal AI is for normal players, tournaments are for players who do not only play casually (or they want to start to get into it more), thus Hard AI is what do we need.

    And because the difficulty of AI is only determined by eco bonus, that is the only way we can do it now. Once the difficulty is not linked to eco bonus, we will do that, but you can expect that the AI will always be set into highest difficulty possible.

    The AI is stupid, it doesn't learn, it only does what it knows. No player is stupid, they only might be unskilled, but skill comes from practice and learning. If anyone is less skilled player, he can improve. AI cannot improve, unless it is programmed. That is why Sorian will be observing the games and getting some feedback, so he can teach the AI to be better.

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