Shiny New Player

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by PretzelBagel, January 25, 2011.

  1. PretzelBagel

    PretzelBagel New Member

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    Well maybe not shiny new, but new enough. I'm an avid player of DotA, LoL, and TF2. When I saw the article Penny Arcade wrote on MNC I just had to get it. Anyways, what advice can you all give a new player? Specifically Assassin related, as the stealth classes are always my favorite. *Cough*Spy*Cough*
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    If you see me playing Gunner - RUN!* ;)

    On a more serious note: There are a bunch of very good tutorials for Assassins out there.
    Today's Special:
    There are others, you might want to check both the PC and Xbox strategy corners. As far as Assassins go the basics are very similar.


    *I have killed more Assassins than any other class.
  3. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Be patient, don't get frustrated after the first few hours (you're going to get owned plenty of times starting out), and have fun! :)
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Hello PretzelBagel. Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of Monday Night Combat!

    If you are completely new to MNC I would suggest playing Blitz with at least each Pro. That way you have a better understanding of the Pros not to mention "know thy enemy."

    The rest is just many, many hours of trial and error.
    Have Fun!
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The first advice for an assassin.. get the money for a custom class and then use some kind of armor endorsement
  6. PretzelBagel

    PretzelBagel New Member

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    Ok, so far every game has about 2-3 Assassins by the time I join. So I think I'll just learn support for now. :p Engi was always fun in TF2
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It's easy playing Support, well kinda.

    All you need to do, at least for now, is heal teammates and turrets, hack turrets, have a forward firebase and just spawn your bots, Gapshots.
  8. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    I didn't realize each "pro" spawned a different bot when you bought them, that's interesting.

    If you want to play support and you have a custom class bought use;
    -Gold Rate of Fire
    -Silver Armor
    -Bronze Health Regen / or whatever.

    Gold Rate of Fire is the main one, it increases the speed of your heal and life steal.

    If you want to try assassin again you should use;
    -Gold Armor
    -Silver Rate of Fire
    -Bronze Health Regen

    Gold Armor to stop other assassins killing you with a face-grapple, Rate of Fire to help destroying the money ball with the shuriken launcher. Also learn about Lunge and use it religiously, it's way better than Dash.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you have a custom slot, imo, the Support needs Skill Recovery.

    Gold RoF
    Silver Armor
    Bronze Skill Recovery

    Alt. build
    Gold RoF
    Silver Skill Recovery
    Bronze Armor
  10. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Welcome to the wonderous sport of Monday Night Combat, HI-OOOOO

    May your bacon be plentiful and your genetic enhancers painless!

    As a general rule of thumb, be aware of your surroundings. Listen out for sounds and clues that can mean trouble, such as the shimmer and humming of a cloaked assassin, or the sight of a scoped sniper.

    Play the game how you want to play, but remember that this is a team game. That means, regardless of what people tell you, you're generally fine playing a role your class does not fit. However, that does not mean "ignore everything but enemy players".
  11. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Okay there Kobe Bryant
    That's right, I know what you did thar. :p :lol:

    See you when I see you!
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  13. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  15. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Don't face stab people.
    Especially not tanks.
  16. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Especially not tanks.
    Tank has no less than three options to mess you up from there. He can;

    • Blossom you, which will set you ablaze and likely die from immolation (armour saves you though).
    • Counter-grapple you, throwing you a long distance, and [potentially] out of the ring.
    • Or finally he can just put on his rocket power and run you down like the locomotive that he is.
  17. PretzelBagel

    PretzelBagel New Member

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    Well, I just had an interesting experience as a Support. My team won, but I was raged at by an enemy player in the lobby afterwards. Between expletives he accused me of 'stacking'. What exactly is this? Now as the Support, here is how I played.

    -I pretty much just stayed in base, only ventering out with a Tank or Gunner in order to shield them up.
    -I built defense turrets in between upgrading my skills.
    -I hacked said turrets whenever the skill was off CD.
    -I ran around, re-deploying my Firebase in various positions as the battle changed / when the enemy changed their point of entry.

    Did I do anything wrong? o_O Granted the rager was an Assassin that couldnt even take down 1 turret while juiced, as I would just sit there and heal it while it and 1-2 others would blast away with the help of Hack 3.

    When should I be upgrading skills and when should I be using my money to instead build / upgrade turrets? I noticed that alot of times only myself and 1 other player will be building. >.>

    Also, is there a limit to how many turrets I can hack, or possibly a time limit on the hack itself? I noticed that some turrets I had previously hacked would suddenly be normal again.

    And last thing. What should I be doing with my juice when playing Support? I wasnt quite sure, so whenever it was up I would use it to push a struggling lane.
  18. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    "Stacking involves altering game settings or team lineups to give one or more teams an unfair advantage over the other(s). One example includes arranging a team composed of skilled or known players against a team with members of lesser skill."

    Sounds like he thought you were deliberately playing all on the same team with other skilled friends, when really you were just supporting your team, which is what a good support should do.
  19. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    You did nothing wrong. Keep doing what you're doing. :)
  20. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    I hear that the PC has more bots to push so i can only give you my advice as an assassin on Xbox.

    Custom Class set up i recommend is the one i use
    Gold Armor
    Silver Rate of Fire
    Bronze Skill Recovery(some argue health regen instead. But i will back having faster skill recharge seeing as your skills are your defense)

    Try to avoid Tanks until you have a Katana, then you can lunge backgrapple and possibly kill them or have little health to beat out of em. These are your biggest threat on the playing field.

    Pushing robots for juice and Turret destruction is really your main job. The title assassin can be confusing, you can assassinate pros but your main concern is those robots. Youll eventually be able to mix it up, kill some bots kill a pro kill some bots kill a pro. It will come with practice.

    When the game starts i recommend getting your passive up to level 3 as fast as possible. A good way to start is upgrade passive and dash/cloak, either of the combinations will play well to start off.

    YOU CAN SUPER JUMP OFF A SMOKE BOMB. Many new sins dont know this odly but its something to know. When you smoke bomb you have a second after to super jump, this is great for escaping enemy fire. Smoke bombs also stun bots and turrets. If your non juiced attacking a turret you can smoke bomb it to put some damage on it. I recommend even shooting a few shurikens at it to start weakening the turret at a distance.

    And finally ask questions to other players/forum goers/and people you just run into.

    Hope this helps a little bit :)

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