Who wants to help Uber fix a glitch?!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, September 7, 2010.

  1. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I saw this happen to MissInformed on Spunky today. Don't know if Hudson was doing any recording, if he was maybe it can help shed some light on how it happens?

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    i find it funny this thread is sevral pages long and filled with nothing that realy helps.
    just a bunch of i seen it's and it happened to me but i cant repeat it.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    It happened to my friend tonight, he was playing support an was hacking his firebase when an assassin grappled him, i was a tank an killed the sin so my friend survived but he couldnt move, airstrike himself or take damage from enemy pros. I tried to charge at him to see if i could nudge him out the way but nothing. On my screen he had his nees up as if jumping an was hovering.

    It was on spunky cola behind the jump pad next to the edge of the map where you can fly round the back of the enemy spawn, hope this helps. Let me know if you guys need any help.
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I was a tank running into their base, which had Rockit turrets built, while their MB was down, w/ juice. I run up next to the moneyball, juice, take damage to almost zero health, an airstrike lands at my feet and right before it drops I upgrade my health. I was stuck next to it with no health, while I still was able to turn 360 degrees. The cool bonus was that my tank character wasn't still juiced, but I still had the juice attack damage. I then juice railgunned all the people dropping down trying to kill me. It was quite hilarious.
  5. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I have footage of it happening to me, I tried to abuse it as much as I could (to learn about it? ;D)
    Thinking back I should have tried grappling, slamming, or deploying to see if anything could unglitch me.
    I'm uploading it right now, btw.
    Edit: looks like I did slam, and got a pancake, but remained glitched.
    Edit 2: lol I totally fell asleep while uploading it. Anyway, here it is:

    As a side note, my friends said my character looked funny as hell, but they didn't explain how.
  6. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    I don't know if this helps or not, but the only time this ever happened to me was immediately after an enemy assassin's grapple on me had been interrupted (can't remember by what, sorry). I got up and was stuck but could still shoot. On Steel Peel.
  7. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Now that I think about it...

    There was one time on Grenade where a Tank found my firebase and tried to destroy it. My firebase killed him but left the base with a sliver amount of health left. At the same time, I died.

    On respawn, my firebase skill was cooling down. I look around and see a red firebase in the distance. I go to check it out and heal it back up. Immediately following, I died again. On respawn, the firebase skill is back to nonfunctioning (meaning an active firebase is already out). If I hadn't died, I assume I could have ended up with TWO firebases.

    Anyway, dunno if it's related at all.
  8. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    I was Finishing juice and was grappled
    Then was stuck in place had no skills but could shoot and was invinincable(sp) hope this helps
  9. Kangarou

    Kangarou New Member

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    This thread looked important to the devs, so I'm just bumping it to make sure it gets seen by more folk.
  10. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    I just suffered this a moment ago. I was fighting an assassin, I was also an assassin. I did not have a full juice bar.

    In the opposiiton's base:
    I smoke bombed her
    She still managed to grapple me, I had a little health left
    She may have sword lunged to close the gap, I am not sure, but it was a tactic the player was using.
    I attempted to grapple back
    Other bullets hit me, one level 1 rock-it and a level 2 rock-it. Perhaps other players were also shooting at me, I do not know.
    While I was grappling and being shot I froze to the spot, we exchanged sword blows to no avail and so I quit and find myself now here, having remembered that the devs wanted feedback.

    That's all I can remember.

    - Bez
  11. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Had this happen to me yesterday i think, in a somewhat similar situation as Bezique's.

    I was a Assassin and i saw another Assassin a couple feet away so i dashed towards her hoping i could grab her after the swing, but after the slashing animation ended she was the one that got a hold of me and grappled me.

    I didn't die from her grapple, but i couldn't move either. Then everyone started to shoot, but i couldn't neither die or move at all. I also think i was receiving fire from turrets at the time it happened, but i'm not 100% sure.
  12. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    its only ever happened to me a couple of times when I've been inside the other teams base with a small bit of health. had 3 or more players, rocket all firing at me then I froze at point of death. maybe to many players dealt the killer blow and the xbox couldn't register who killed me
  13. ParadoxD

    ParadoxD New Member

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  14. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    You know Scathis i think i witnessed this recently. For some odd reason i ran up to a tank, he just got done death blossoming....BUT, he started to just stand there and spin in a circle. His feet where not moving it was like his model was stuck still and he started to rapid spin. Well me playing assassin 90% of the time, i go in to grapple him cause i figure hell get screwed over.
    ....i grapple, nothing
    .....I grapple again, nothing.

    I CANT GRAPPLE THIS GUY :evil: Next thing i know, he stops spinning and takes off running out of the base.

    I then grapple him :twisted: and win...however it was just too awkward of a situtation. and ive seen my fair share on this game
  15. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  16. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Ive had this problem numerous times with the tank and can explain how ive done it but cant always replicate it.

    My endorsements usually have speed silver or gold and i jump then dash in the air. Sometimes when I land its like I've hit a invisible pot hole in the ground. You can only shoot but cannot move. As the person a couple posts above mentioned you can spin around in a circle and still use the jet gun which i do for amusement to tell everyone on my team I'm stuck.

    Something to do with jumping and landing in certain areas and your body hits a stull point.

    However you can still be killed....

    As for the assault video of the jet packer seams the guy was lagging or using a lag switch to kill you. I've had the problem when a laggy host (usually sniper) is impossible to grapple even if you have the better connection.

    Most of these are lag related for those being invincible (proved it with the tank jet flame they are not just takes 15 seconds for it to kick in)

    The other problem with the map holes is your still vulnerable to death... its a problem with landing in invisible holes in the maps or something.

    But what do i know... I only play the game daily right?
  17. ReqAsh

    ReqAsh New Member

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    I remember this. I was on steel peel, I was playing assault, which I never do usually, and an assassin came in juiced. Once the juice was gone her health went black she just stopped moving. I sat there looking as she flopped around with her katana. I felt bad, didn't care about getting a kill. Just wanted her to be able to play, so I charged her to try and get a ring out so she could respawn.

    Nope. She just kept floating away, still. She remained un-moving, only she could use her katana, and she slowly floated into the distance.

    But this was in the last 2 or so months and by the dates on this topic..isn't this fixed by now?
  18. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Since this topic has been bumped, I will tell what I know about this glitch.

    I've only had it happen in EXTREME LAG. Like really bad "hit a button your action happens 4 seconds later teleporting S***fit lag." I get killed in a grapple, but the grappler is killed by a teammate before the grapple is completed. That is how the glitch has happened to me twice. Not sure if this was already figured out or if it works everytime, but that's how it happened to me.
  19. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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