Fab unit path finding problems

Discussion in 'Support!' started by darktactics, March 5, 2014.

  1. darktactics

    darktactics Member

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    Hi Guys,

    After quite a while with the beta I was pretty happy with the playability of the game. Since this latest update though, things are not as great.

    The issue I'm having is with the path finding ability of the fab units. I usually use a mix of tier 1 units with a tier 2 unit. I can produce tier 1 units cheaply and quickly so, I only need 1 tier 2 unit in the mix to have access to the advanced structures with enough fab units to build quickly.

    However, after this update the small groups constantly get stuck with the tier 2 unit trapped behind the tier 1 units. It seems that no matter what structure is qued up, the tier 2 unit is selected as the lead fab unit and the other units seem to be set to assist it. but, the other units won't get out of the way after a structure is completed. So, I am constantly going back to the group and moving a few units out of the way so that the lead unit can move to the next structure in the que. This can happen even in open terrain. The lead fab unit will not push past if there are 2 units blocking it.

    The fab groups are normally 4 or 5 units strong. it happens whether I send one unit to build and set the other unts on assist or, select the whole group amd set a build que. It is getting very annoying as, I can't leave them to just get on with it.

    Anyone else having difficulties with fab units or path finding??

    before this update, they worked perfectly BTW.

    eroticburrito likes this.
  2. rawrifficus

    rawrifficus Member

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    I feel all ground units have horrible pathing. More often then not units can't decide whether to go left or right to get around a structure or rock and just keep walking back and forth trying to decide. This is especially noticeable with ground fabs as they spend most of their time trying to navigate around structures. This is the main reason why I pretty much exclusively use air fabs especially now since fab rates aren't so different.
  3. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    With anything more than 2 or 3 construction units, you need to make an assist train.

    IE: say I have 9 units: 1 t2 and 8 t1. Take 2 t1 and assist the t2 and then take another 2 t1 and assist the other t2 that you assigned and so forth.
  4. davidsch42

    davidsch42 New Member

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    Yeah, that behavior is pretty annoying.
  5. mrhasselhoof

    mrhasselhoof New Member

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    same here but it's not only fab units, also other units have path finding problems with walls.

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