Orbital fabricators issue

Discussion in 'Support!' started by karolus10, March 4, 2014.

  1. karolus10

    karolus10 Member

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    Hello. I had encountered serious issues with building structures in space (they building teleporters just fine) by orbital fabricators, they often starting building but it won't progress at all.
    Sometimes I'm able to build few anchors or radar array, but orbital gun is nearly impossible to build.

    Did anyone encounter this issue before ?
  2. rawrifficus

    rawrifficus Member

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    before gamma not really but now I get this sort of thing every game. My current issues with orbital are:

    Pain in the butt to find anything in the orbital layer I often completely lose units because trying to sift through all the units on the ground to try and find them is very difficult.

    If you accidentally move your orbital fabs off of something they are building you won't be able to continue building it you'll have to start another one.

    Orbital fabs are sometimes unresponsive to build commands and you have to move them around some before they will accept a construction order.

    Orbital unit move commands / launcher rally points are very wacky because you have to click on the ground and sometimes they move in a direction you definitely didn't tell them to go.
  3. BooberSmack

    BooberSmack Member

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    Also, over lava and water: all orbital are built on the ground(but seem to not be affected by grnd units). and cnstrctrs are still somewhat lagging into action alil late like G W Bush Jr. to Vietnam. Orb fighters, on the other hand will not take scout orders, and the lazerz blasterz thingerz kinda wonders around aimlessly when put area attack command.
  4. karolus10

    karolus10 Member

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    Actually they "accept" command, but progress bar on constructed structure is empty or at 50% all the time, it's very hard to build anything in space except anchors that often can be build if you issue area command (building string of them).

    EDIT_1: anyway, Orbital canons are practically impossible to build and rest of orbital structures can be build-ed or not in random fashion.
    Last edited: March 5, 2014
  5. Biestie

    Biestie Member

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    I have encountered that problem to, but I wasn't able it to recreate it. It seems to me that it happens most of the time to the SSX Orbital laser.
    I tried to build one today but the first two attempts failed. Only the third try worked correct.
  6. karolus10

    karolus10 Member

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    After playing recently I didn't experienced much problems with building structures except SSX orbital laser that it's nearly impossible to be build, is there any way around to build SSX laser satellite for now ?
  7. raddish

    raddish New Member

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    I am also experiencing this issue, first orbital laser built to 33%, couldn't complete, couldn't be reclaimed.

    Started another, didn't seem to progress off zero.

    Nuke silos did similar things trying to build new missiles - first silo built to 50% or so and couldn't complete second silo couldn't progress its missile off 0%.

    It seemed that the planetoid rocket also couldn't complete, but it may have just been REALLY slow to build (first time trying to build one).
  8. SpectralFX

    SpectralFX New Member

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    Also have those issue.

    If I move my orbital fabs they won't be able to finish what they were building, having a hard time selecting or even just keeping track of orbital stuff in general.
  9. EdgarAlanPWN

    EdgarAlanPWN New Member

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    I also experience the issue with stopping halfway and not being able to restart fabbing.

    One other annoying issues that I experience. Get a large group of orbital fabbers, (20+, tested with up to 180). If you have them all as a group and order them to build a series of anything, (anchors, death lasers, etc), as the group goes through building them, fabbers will start to be left behind. By around the 5th item, 1/2/3/4 fabbers will stop and continue shooting energy/matter streams at that item, even though it is finished. So, your group of fabbers slowly diminishes as they build each progressive item.
  10. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I had this problem with the orbital laser a lot in Beta but so far it's been smooth sailing in Gamma.

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