Monday Night Hat Fortress 2!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Polynomial, January 23, 2011.

  1. Terror

    Terror New Member

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  2. Super Joe

    Super Joe New Member

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    Funny, the second that Uber sent me the press release about the update, I knew it was all going to hit the fan. I hope you realise that you're only really sane if you don't have a problem with the whole hat thing in either game. Just be glad it isn't game breaking or anything, it's cosmetic for crying out loud, a lot of you need to calm it down. Like some others, I think this crossover is pretty neat. Makes a lot more sense than something like Team Fortress 2 and Killing Floor.

    Also, I find it absurd that people would stop playing a game like Team Fortress 2 or Monday Night Combat over something as little as the inclusion of cosmetic items.
  3. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    It's more the fact it rubs proverbial e-peen into your eyes wherever you go because it's that damn fugly and even moreso the fact TF2 is completely horrifically blended with microtransactions that promote nothing but even worse e-peen behaviours and trade chat spam.

    If trading and crafting stay out of MNC it's always going to be better than TF2.
  4. Agrippa

    Agrippa New Member

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    I've been a pub and competitive tf2 player for very,very long and I'm new to MNC.I'm just gonna warn u all:Silly hats KILLED tf2.They led to microtransaction,hundreds of trade servers,chat spam,a lot of unbalanced and unneeded weapons.....Don't let this happen to your game.Community,speak up.
  5. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Indeed. Cosmetics are fine and all, but I don't want a game where people are so obsessed about random stuff that actually playing the game becomes secondary.
  6. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Played some this morning and I like the hats, though the only thing I dislike is that they are related to tf2 a bit too much, I used to play tf2 for ages but the overwelming hat front and the new store wasn't my cup of tea.

    As long as uber keep the hats to unlocks and don't include them in random drops or a trading system I think it is all perfect, a bit like pro tags if hats became items for killing 1000 jack bots or winning 5 games in a row, stuff like that.
  7. Super Joe

    Super Joe New Member

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    I've been a public and competitive TF2 player for a very, very long time, and I'm fairly new to MNC. This is why I find it odd that you seem to be of the belief that TF2 is somehow dead. 'Silly hats' didn't kill TF2 - it just lead to a lot of easily upset people away from the game. In my experience, they always came back, and as much as they may moan and groan, they kept on playing. Know why that is? It's because, despite these hats and what-not, the game is still good at the end of the day...and that's what counts.
  8. Agrippa

    Agrippa New Member

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    Because all the polycount sh1t and all the weird effects on unusual hats made comp TF2 a huge favor,right? The only reason why comp TF2 is not dead is because they ban all that silly stuff and play vanilla+med+a bunch of non polycount weapons that are allowed.But in pubs,you don't control that,and honestly,it must suck (People in pubs are too bad to do it,but i find it entertaining) to get 1 hit by a sticky jumping demoman using the melee grenade from the other side of the map.

    And ,you know what? Hats are not banned in comp tf2,and they are honestly f*cking annoying when playing as a Sniper.

    I didn't leave Tf2 because of hats,but i'm glad i did JUST BEFORE first polycount came out.I used to go back to my old teammate's vent channel and listen them talk bout hats all day instead of gaming.Awesome.
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I got a shiny ammo belt for my Gunner and I like it!

    If it helps MNC in any way to exchange a few items with TF2 so be it! Imo it shows one thing: VALVe likes MNC and they are doing the best they can on their end to make it a success!

    There were a few voices criticizing VALVe because they have the power over Steam and are producing games at the same time. One of the Gearbox developers I believe was talking about a conflict of interest. All I can say is that VALVe shows with this (and similar) promotion sales that they are trying hard to give every game on Steam the best chance to be successful they can. Kudos!

    Also good job Uber to get this set up! And I love the new video, very nice work as always!

    And for all the skeptics: Did you have to PAY ANYTHING for the new items? No, you even got the game 10% off if you ordered before the official release. Is there any trading, microtransactions, silly stuff that would keep you from playing MNC the same way as before? No! If you like the items, you can just select them.

    Please give Uber the benefit of the doubt! They have not let us down with anything I can think of. There was a constant improvement of the game in the beta and they have listened carefully to the community. I have never seen a developer support a game better than Uber.
  10. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    It benefits Valve to help out Steam games. They get a percentage of all Steam sales. :cool:
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    They get something like 30% when the sell a copy of MNC, they get 100% for a copy of TF2 (plus microtransactions later). I'm not saying that VALVe doesn't benefit as well, but...

    How can I put it? Can you see Microsoft promoting a game in the same way when it might take a few sales away from Halo ThisIsReallyTheLastHaloEver III? ;)
  12. Antares

    Antares New Member

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    Hey gents, ex-TF2 player here, registered to share my thoughts about this whole hat business.
    Now, I have no doubts that this item crossover is a promotional, one-time-only offer to help boost sales for release day, and I'm not bothered by this in the least; it's pretty clear that it's never going to get to the absolutely ridiculous levels of shameless money-grabbing TF2 degenerated to after the mannconomy hit, and anyone who suggests so should be rightfully ignored.

    THIS SAID, my experiences with TF2 have led me (as they have most of the other ex-TF2 players opposing this, I'd suspect) to become very sensitive to matters of art style and the potential ruining of such by newly introduced items. The items introduced in MNC for this TF2 crossover are nowhere near as egregious as some of the stuff Valve thought of, like say, this:


    but they still feel very off. The pyro and spy masks in particular look really out of place and while it's not a game breaking issue for me I wish I didn't have to look at them. If we could get a clientside option to force default models I'd be all for it.
  13. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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