$50 Pissed OFF!!!

Discussion in 'Support!' started by guajiro, March 3, 2014.

  1. guajiro

    guajiro New Member

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    W....T....F....... really now........... we have had a WAVE of so called "updates" to PA.... and since the last 3 i have not bin able to even LOAD the game let alone play it......... this has really turned into a serious issue now..... and i do NOT want to hear this "it is beta" bullshit argument again...sorry. i have heard it well enough, i payed an exorbitant amount of COLD HARD CASH for "access" to this game... only to be greeted with crashes, and frankly **** performance on the times i DID get to play......i think it is about time uber bros maybe wait until a release isn't COMPLETELY broken before FORCE feeding it to the paying customer base.....
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    If I may use the same audacity as you:

    If you're expecting a fully working game in Early Access, regardless of the price, you're a bloody moron. Ignore it all you like but the game is under active development and bugs will exist and they will by fixed. The reason people bought the game is not because they're media-consuming sheep but because they are fans of large-scale RTS and want to support the development of the game. If you don't want to support the development you shouldn't be buying Early Access.
    v4skunk84, EdWood, MrTBSC and 20 others like this.
  3. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    Ditto. Check you attitude, edit your starting post to give a constructive analysis of your problem, and maybe you will actually get help. Most people can play the game just fine, the problem is on YOUR end.
  4. guajiro

    guajiro New Member

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  5. guajiro

    guajiro New Member

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    commencing constructive analysis: double click on launcher, click "check updates" click verify files" ........wait..... click "play"..........wait...... black screen.....wait...... ERROR: PA.exe has stopped working... rinse and repeat with steam and launcher version over and over again,...........same result.... i think that is about as clear an "analysis of the issue.
  6. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Sentences end with ONE period/full stop and ellipses consist of three.

    Have you tried looking at the hundreds upon hundreds of threads about "pa.exe crashed" for a solution?

    I count EIGHT threads about crashes on the front page of this subforum alone.
    LavaSnake and ZobiOneKenobi like this.
  7. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    This is the last post I will post on this thread because I don't want to deal with you in such an emotional state.
    Also that was not even close to an analysis.

    • Make sure the problem is recurring.
    • Determine if others are having the problem
    • Determine if the problem is server or client side.
    • Give a simple explanation of the problem as well as the steps to reproduce the problem.
    • Give your computer's hardware specs and OS.
    • Upload your DxDiag.txt

    Before posting:
    • Make sure your computer is actually capable of running the game.
    • Make sure all drivers are up to date.
    • Try rebooting.
    • Try reinstalling the game.
    • Make sure by searching that the problem was not posted about before.
    Also do not post when emotionally compromised.
    Last edited: March 3, 2014
    lokiCML, LavaSnake, dogyaut and 4 others like this.
  8. leighzer

    leighzer Member

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    You made the choice to buy this game, Uber didn't force you to buy it. You should be mad at yourself, and more patient.
    Antiglow likes this.
  9. Somath

    Somath New Member

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    Pc specs??
  10. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Have you:
    • Updated your drivers?
    • Disabled your mods?
    • Deleted your settings file in case you have a compatibility issue in the latest version? (Located in SystemDrive:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\localstore\Local Storage - Delete or rename the files to return all game settings to default without the need to re-install)
    These are the things I'd try first. And we'd be happy to work with you to constructively solve the problems with you. Generally, with us dev, and an active, helpful community, informative requests for help usually solve the problems people encounter.
    lokiCML, LavaSnake, drz1 and 4 others like this.
  11. guajiro

    guajiro New Member

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    thanks for the lessons on proper punctuation, i shan't put them to any use. ;)
  12. guajiro

    guajiro New Member

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    any ways, i have done all "suggestions" posted above, still no help. and YES my PC is more than capable of running this game, i have played it many times before on my computer, well..... on the times where it didn't decide to crash on me after around 30 minutes of play. ever since this new "gamma" release..... ( see all those periods) :D it has not so much as launched properly, just the same "PA.exe has stopped working" windows error before the game even fully launches.
  13. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Post your dxdiag.txt as antiglow mentioned above so people can try help you.
    Antiglow, drz1 and cwarner7264 like this.
  14. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    There have been quite a few problems with loading and connection errors since gamma started, but don't think Uber are just sitting on their hands, they are working pretty non-stop to try and find fixes.

    I know it's annoying, but I'm afraid posting an angry thread on here isn't going to solve your problem, it'll only make people respond as above and cause further agro. I feel your pain though, not getting to play sucks, especially when you have paid real money. Just try and be a little patient :)

    Second the motion to post your dxdiag.txt, this will help immensely in troubleshooting your problem.
  15. deathnote718

    deathnote718 New Member

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    I used to have a problem exactly the same as this.
    Wanna know the fix?
    Get a better PC and in future, check the minimum system requirements.
    Likeliness is that your graphics card is not yet supported.
  16. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    All I have to say is you get respect by giving respect. @guajiro. I agree with the others that you've created this thread with the wrong attitude, not cool dude. Everyone else the dude has dropped $50 on a game. For some people that's a lot of money so lets cut him some slack and help him out :). I think we all have at least once snapped on the internet. No excuse for it but most of us have probably been there.

    So....guajuro, I'm sorry if I missed it up above somewhere but did you join the party at the start of gamma or sooner?
  17. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Yeah, Meta was streaming last night and then I popped into his Twitch chat to let him know the lobby wasn't functioning correctly - we got a fix pushed that night (Sunday).

    Hats off to Uber, they don't mess around with bug fixes.

    Once they get the new launcher out ("soon"), people will be able to choose which 'stream' they wish to be on. I.e. "stable" "buggy as hell" or "seriously what the hell are you guys doing". Hopefully by the time it's filtered through the first two tiers, those hoping for a more stable experience will be able to get it.
  18. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Well, you know you don't lose access to game after it gets released. So if you cannot play now, you will just have to wait for it.
  19. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Another issue of the *I didn't update my drivers like I've been told* syndrome.
    We don't need your condescending attitude here. Constructive feedback is appreciated. Flaming a forum because you are frustrated is NOT.
    LavaSnake and zweistein000 like this.
  20. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Or YOU can wait till the project releases so YOU won't get these kind of problems. There is a reason for that disclaimer message you blindly accept before you try to play the game. Uber is not obligated to give you playable updates before game releases.

    I also haven been able to properly play since gamma release. You don't see me raging.
    sypheara likes this.

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