I've been getting disconnected from games frequently, when I manage to get into them. This hasn't happened in the past.. Could there be a menu that shows games we have joined which are still in progress so that we can rejoin them more easily? I know that there is a message that appears asking if you want to reconnect, but this only appears after having completely restarted the game, and there have been times where it just didn't show up at all, so it's unreliable. Frustrating..
Ahhh, the joys of trawling through endless logs.... May your search for the crash triggers be swift and true. Out of interest though what platform are the servers running (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD)? Is each time a new game hosted, is a new thread/process being created? Finally, if my multi-player game crashes out, is it just my instance, or is that everybody on that server going down?
From what I've seen on pa stats, the games that I've been in that I've lost connection in have stopped showing further progress from both players after I lose connection, and pa stats doesn't list a winner for those either so I'm assuming that the game is crashing for both players and that it's a server-side thing.
80% of games I've tried to play end in a server crash (and usually 30 or 40 minutes in when things are just starting to get interesting!). This is extremely frustrating. I've got nearly 900 hours up in PA now and I've played since the initial alpha release. As it stands now, this is the most unstable the game has ever been. I think the initial poster is talking about trying to join a game only to be sent back to the main menu (why doesn't it send you back to the list of games). The games that we fail to join don't seem to crash because they are still listed for minutes to come for us to keep trying to connect to.
Yeah, this is after I've been in a game for around 40 minutes when things start to get good. The connection fails, and I get sent back to the main menu. Going back to the game list would be better, I agree.