Uber: An indication of how far customisation will go?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by WylieTimes, January 25, 2011.

  1. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    So, including TF2 visuals and aesthetic customisation systems was bound to cause divisions in the MNC community. Some people would always like it, while others would always hate it.

    Personally, I don't like the inclusion of the systems, as I played TF2 for a long time - and, after a while the game just got so far removed from what I originally liked about it, and it just got sillier and sillier as the classes got less and less defined - that I ended up leaving.
    As I loved TF2, and I do enjoy the odd game of DotA - I immediately took to MNC.

    I personally, don't want MNC to expand to the point where the players look more and more ridiculous, and I hope that Team Uber focusses more on maps and game modes as a method of creating variety than adding new weapons and skills (though I do understand that eventually, this may be very necessary).

    So, getting to the point, I would like to know how far Team Uber is planning to take the aesthetic customisation system.
    Are you guys going to keep the options scarce? Or are you going to follow TF2's method of expanding and expanding?

    I think this question is on everyone's mind.
    Thanks for a response.
  2. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I like that you posted in a mature way and that you understand both sides of the argument. I however, do not see anything wrong with a little customization in a game. I saw nothing wrong with the new weapon sets in TF2 or the addition of all kinds of hats because I saw it as a very good way to keep the game alive and fun.

    I never really thought of TF2 as a hardcore competitive shooter where balance is a huge issue. Balance patches were only to ensure that everyone had a fair and fun game. I fully respect that you try and find a competitive game in a sea of casual players, I can understand that because I am a Super Smash Bros. player and that game had to be twisted into the competitive fighter that it was. However, unlike SSB, you are outnumbered by casual player, assuming you are not a casual TF2 player.

    I don't quite understand what you mean by "ridiculous". The weapon sets and hats tend to fit the character quite well and add a bit of depth to the game. All Valve did was make the game more original and award you for playing it. The trading aspect can get a bit annoying when the chat becomes nothing more than "hey goose, wanna trade that <enter new item here>" but I like that it exists because it means that I have more to do in the game. I can look past the constant begging for items.

    This game could benefit alot from more aesthetics and I am all for it. It gives me something to buy with all the leftover money.
  3. Kordy

    Kordy New Member

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    I'd have to disagree with you here. TF2's earlier art style and the polycount update art style aren't exactly intermingling with each other. That's my humble view on it, of course.

    I'd rather have the UberEnt's art style than TF's art style in MNC. A tie-in with TF2 is what I expected anyway (Hey, it boosts sales and gives more people to play with!), but leaving it at that would be better for me and people like me, because I believe the aestethics of MNC is enough with it's own style.

    Microtransactions are okay on stuff that doesn't affect the game; ie vanity stuff (even then I'll refuse to buy it in most cases), but the second it starts to affect gameplay, I'd rather stop playing.
  4. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    But you have to understand, there are ways to affect gameplay without it breaking the game or making it too complicated. In a competitive shooter it can be a very good thing to add some depth to the characters themselves through customization. Maybe you aren't looking at this game the correct way. This game has much more depth and strategy than TF2 and it certainly is not nearly as easy. If you play TF2 casually thats fine but this game isn't nearly as casual and hardcore players like complicated games. It is fun and adds to the competition most of the time.

    To simplify, this game is not the same as TF2. IMHO the gameplay should NOT be compared to TF2 because they are on completely different spectra of the competitive gaming scene.
  5. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We always intended to have customization in the game. It already has it to a certain extent with Sponsored Endorsements and Protags. The world of MNC lends itself well for character customization and variations with the various products and sports theme. It's not limited to just a sports type upgrades. I mean we do have bacon and churros in game as well.

    The TF2 items was something that just came up out of conversation with the TF2 team and I think we did a pretty good job of blending items with the various classes while keeping them recognizable. It was more of a fun experiment with the dev teams more than anything else. We have a lot of work to do to a make a decent customization system.

    Moving forward, the type of customization we want to add need to work with the various classes, teams and compliment the Pros default armor set. As far as how far we want to take it, we have some thoughts but really depends on a bunch of factors and what direction we want to take MNC. The customization will be a secondary focus to our unique gameplay features.
  6. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Great response Eka, i'm glad that you guys have more customization in mind.
  7. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    Thanks for the response :)

    Anyway, after finally managing to find some servers - I don't mind the new looks - most of them are only slightly noticeable - though, I'm not a fan of the Pyro-Mask/Spy-Mask at the moment >.<

    The Pyro mask is actually a little creepy.
  8. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    So, not this far?


    I don't mind customisation options that compliment the basic appearance of a character. I do mind customisation that results in...that.
  9. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Yeah, I have to say that TF2 went a bit over the edge. But its main problem was that they dumped loads of new items into the game that changed the game every time. The class updates were fine, but after that they just started dumping random gamechanging stuff into the game, seemingly without really playtesting it. I seriously hope that won't happen here.
  10. hea3ven

    hea3ven New Member

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    In my opinion, what killed TF2 was the trading system. Before, hats were a silly thing that added customization to the game. Now it is like they are the main part of the game for some people.
  11. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Here's my two cents on this, for what it's worth:

    There's no question that Valve has gone crazy with the content in TF2. Today I can join a server and see a heavy with one of eight different primary and secondary "weapons", and six melee weapons, all of which do different things...and this is just one class. I'm really hoping that MNC doesn't turn into this. The last thing I want to see is Assassins touting Rocket Launchers, Tanks strategically eating sandwiches, Assaults flying around with flamethrowers, etc. This is what led me to stop playing TF2, and I know I'm not alone.

    There are so many other directions you could improve MNC without doing this...and for starters, I don't think there's one MNC player who'd be against more maps. Five maps isn't very many...and I can think of a few creative, unique potential map designs for MNC's style that could be a lot of fun (and if I can think of some, I *know* you can too). Also, I wouldn't be against another game style as well. I'm sure you could find a way to incorporate bots into CTF, capture point, or what have you, and make it very enjoyable. For me, these would be the best two ways to expand the game right now, and that's not including the bug fixes and refinements that could be made.

    Personally, I don't mind the cosmetic things. This is a turn off for some (and to be honest, I like their suggestion of an option to turn off all custom cosmetics...seems like an easy way to make both sides happy). But as for me, you could have a gunner look like Santa Claus for all I care. Players can wear all the hats, masks, badges, etc that they want...as long as it doesn't affect gameplay. The minute that that santa hat gives you +10 hp is the minute I'll be turned away from MNC.
  12. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Map editor. Says so on the Steam Store Page. Nuff said.
  13. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    NAKED MODE FOR PRESIDENT!(Hurr Durr 1000% moar AZAZNZ.)
    No, but hats(without special powers :roll: ) and other odd st00f would be nice.
  14. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    TF2 isn't dead, neither in game play or lasting impression. People still recieve sponsors that pay for teams to travel to LAN where the pay out is a few hundred per player plus travel costs. Woopdedoo, I know.

  15. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Just saying, 100 per person is far from a high payout for a game tournament. Neo and Clockwork recently had a $15,000 money match in Marvel VS. Capcom 2 :D

    Just thought I'd share. Quake and Counter Strike also used to have very high payouts but fighters are the kings of money making video games.
  16. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    TF2 isn't as recognised as other games but they sure have the best crowd (i40, need I say more) in competitive shooters as of now. Quake payouts have been lackluster ever since Quake Live, I don't need to explain why (it's not exactly a good game compared to Quakeworld or CPMA)

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