I have played a few games and MNC is a lot of fun, but i just wish there was a little more vibration when you shoot some of the guns like the assault rifle and the machine gun. The rumble feels very faint. I went to settings and it says vibration is turned on. One other suggestion is just to do something to know you're getting headshots (ex. borderlands where critical pops up). It would help me because i'm not very good and i'm never really sure if i'm getting a headshot. I would love to hear some thoughts and opinions. Thanks
I just went back and checked and the minigun for the gunner did have some vibration, but the assault rifle has very little if any vibration. Maybe its just me.
i get vibration from the mini gun at times and even with a full battery it goes on and off. i think there may be a minor bug that needs to be squashed
nice. cool to see you taking what im saying into account. plus your signature has always had my envy, i love maiden and i love playing as the gunner
Thank you for your responses. I also thought batteries at first, but i put in new ones and the same. I think it is a bug because my assault rifle doesn't rumble. thanks neutrino