beta crashes to black screen after a few mins

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by tron, January 15, 2011.

  1. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We have tested on vista 64 and I run MNC at home on it. We'll take a look at your setup tomorrow at work and see if there's any weirdness.
  2. tron

    tron New Member

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    thanks i appreciate your help. i may have narrowed down the issue. i ran the game again and while it was in the freeze state i checked the launch.log and noticed a bunch of gpu time outs. funny thing is, i can play almost any other game out there with zero problems. and i can play mnc for 2-5 minutes with 0 problems, smooth as glass. then all the sudden it goes into a sudden jitter, freeze with black screen. well i waited it out this last time and it returned back to the menu and said connection lost, after 30 secs-1 min. here is the attached launch.log. would the 512k gpu ram requirement cause it to crash if i only had 256k? i find that hard to believe with being able to run those other graphically intensive games.

    Attached Files:

  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I know you said you tried different resolution settings, but have you tried setting everything to the minimum, particularly resolution and textures? Also make sure you don't have AA turned on in the nvidia drivers

    have you tried any other recent Unreal engine games?
  4. tron

    tron New Member

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    i've tried the settings inside the game only. i have aa off, i also flipped off a
    few other things maybe that will help. i left the ones for the application to
    select alone. i've tried all resolutions, i have a 28inch 1920x1200 monitor.

    i have not tried any recent unreal game engines. i did notice 3 unreal engine dump
    files in the same directory that the launch.log was in. but the most recent one is
    from the 12th, nothing recent.
  5. tron

    tron New Member

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    no luck... but the launch.log looks different.

    Attached Files:

  6. tron

    tron New Member

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    this message appears to be the last log entry for a graphic related alert before it shows the consecutive time outs.

    Log: ZELC: Component 'SkeletalMeshComponent_276' with Owner 'HTurretSkill_1' returned normal with incorrect length (0.000000). ChkActor: HProjTurretMortar_54
  7. ums

    ums New Member

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    I've started a separate thread (And left a log in the stickied crash thread) but I am having the same issue on Vista64. I have had the same thing happen on one other game recently (one only, out of many games - Divinity 2) and I fixed it by using an in-game setting to run on one core. So far I have *not* been able to get it to ever give me a "disconnected" error and drop back to the menu or anything other than hard power-down.

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