My Armory tells me i need to sign in... But, you need to sign in in order to view the armory, its kinda weird that im signed in but the armory thinks im not.....
Ok i cant find any servers yet i am logged in ?? Most probably the reason why my armory is empty No gamma for max today...
Ok after 3 restarts 2 game file verify's and then a 10m min wait after signing in my game hs found the US servers.... But my armory is not updating yet....
ok maybe there was a stuck file.. I deleted the PA dir and re-downloaded and after 2 coherant crashes everything seems to be working......... I have an armory now
@SXX let me know if you get some random coherant crashes on your intel hd.. i have never had cohernat crash before in the menu's, but it has happened twice so far for me this build..
Hi, The new UI is really great. The new Commanders models are Uber Great. For me the Commanders list in the Armory updates well, I can select Progenitor, Theta, etc... But in the Badges tab, I got the Alpha Badge, but the Beta and Kickstarter ones are missing.
I've had the game since Alpha as well and I'm missing my commanders and badges as well... Is there somewhere I have to go to collect it?
i had to delete my game folder and re-download game.. But it could be a server overload/lag issue.. It took my game upto 10 mins to find the servers, then about another 5-10 mins before my armory updated.. Maybe there is lots and lots of people all smashing the uber servers and they are getting a bit of an overload of client connections.
Found the issue for me!!!! It seems the game doesn't like some of my old system templates or something.... i had to go to the local storgae folder and delete all the files there.. C:\Users\"yourusername"\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\localstore\Local Storage\ After that i loaded PA and got the "Welcome to Gamma Video" and everything works perfectly.. You will loose all your pre saved systems but it seemed to fix my armory and server finding issues..