Been having this issue for awhile and i thought it was just a beta issue, but now i am thinking it is me. When i hit multi-player the server browser takes forever to find any servers sometime it does not even find any, seeing as the game is coming out tomorrow it would be nice if i could fix this. Any one know what might be the problem or how i could fix it ?
Can you make sure your map filters are set to ALL. Are you looking for Crossfire games or Blitz games?
I am looking for Crossfire, Maps are set to ALL ping is set to ALL i don't have any of the other option tagged
I see 65 servers right now. What's the version number of your build? It's at the top right corner of the screen.
I'm getting the same issues. My ports have also been forwarded. Edit: One thing I've noticed is that I can't even join an empty game off of a friend. It'll say the server is 24/12 and it's full. I also tried joining an empty game through my friends (when it was working) and it would just go to the main screen and not join the game. So maybe there's something wrong there.
Still having this problem, Sometime the servers show up but most of the time they don't. It is allowed through my firewall(even tried disabling it) and nothing seems to work. It would be great to get some help
Toxic, This sounds like you have a flaky internet connection. Are you able to play other games online?
I know it is on my side, and yes i got this problem on a lot of games, mostly games using the steam servers but they always show them self after a few minutes. I never gotten an answer if there is a way to fix this, or am i just doomed because of my bad connection
I cant see any servers too, everything is set to ALL i dont have this problems with COD or TF2 on steam. just monday night combat. really disappointing because i spent money on this... would be realll nice if someone could help):
I have this too. I dont have problems with any other games, my ports are open, mnc is allowed on the firewall, i re-installed the game.. But the server browser doesnt show any servers.