Hello! I just emailed someone at uber about this as well, and they asked me to create a post here as well. Whenever i launch the game, everything is fine and i can look around in the menus and system editors as long as i like. When i try to start a match however, on the default 2-planet system and custom ones on various planet types, the game crashes immediately, without showing the game screen or HUD or w/e. I have an ATI Radeon HD 5770 video card, updated to the latest version (I checked seconds before writing this!) 4GB RAM (3,44 available) Intel pentium Dual CPU E2180 @ 2GHz 2Ghz (Or so the system window in Windows is telling me!) and i'm running Windows 8.1 Is anyone having similar issues, or knows a possible solution to this? Tim Falken
go to AMD Catalyst packages and click on Latest Beta Driver and Install that see if it will then work, also, look around forums for how to apply the 4GB patch to the 32 bit exec HTML: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 8.1 - 32 Also, you must use internet explorer to access the site, google chrome does not work EDIT: I found the discussion on the memory patch http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/648816742979172000/
@Corang already give you proper answer, but just want to say that for your hardware you need 64-bit OS. You might apply temporary workaround explained in my how-to on Steam forums, but upgrade to 64-bit still preferable.
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I have a 32-bit installation because it happened to be on there when i bought the PC from someone i knew, and i already thought about switching it to 64 when i saw the Windows Phone SDK doesn't run on x86. I suppose it might be best to do so after all, i'm not sure if it will work here (though i hope so!) but there are several benefits in my situation for 64bit anyway. When i have reinstalled a 64-bit OS i'll post back if it has fixed the crashes i have. (Probably next week, because i'll be away from home until monday) Thanks for your help! I hope i'll be smashing small moons on your bases soon.