Alright, really good job Uber I went from like 30fps on 75% resolution and medium to Uber everything. Big ol' Thumbs up. But there are a few things I'm wondering about. How do you ping? Couldn't see it in the keybindings page.. but that page is really big so I might have missed it. also how do you use unit formations? couldn't find that one either..
I also want to enquire about transports. Are they "ferry" systems, or single pickup and drop? If I have 10 doxen, and five transports, do I have to do the pick-up zone twice, or am I missing something.
Right now they're single pickup because they're having an issue with it picking up more than one unit.
Keep in mind that unit formations are barely in the game at the moment, the devs have stated that there is still a lot of work to put in before they're finished, what we see here is simply a very rough first pass.
Since we're on a rotating map I personally think a beam of light would make more sense than the current implementation. Failing that the game needs to tell me a ping happened and in which direction, because most of the time it won't be in my focus area and there's no minimap.
I think it is the first iteration of the ping, it is more about being in the game for now... rather than being done... A beam would be sweet, we need something that is very visual and easy to spot, it should also last a bit longer. ^^ It would be perfect, like you mentioned Quitch, if the ping would get a notification as well, so you can click on it and taken to the location.