A status bar mod for Planetary Annihilation that emphasizes income and expense so that they can be visually compared. Features Note: colors refer to default inverse color scheme. You can change the theme a more traditional black in the settings. Income is represented by larger hollow box, demand by a smaller solid bar. The tick scale is currently 10 metal and 1000 energy, with emphasized marks at 5x. Note: due to the large range of values that are covered, ticks will be removed when they get too crowded. A white extension to a bar represents a shortfall being made up by storage, or a surplus being sent to storage. The grey dash in the demand bar is the range of values over the last 30 seconds. The background color is coded similar to Economic Efficiency (see below) The net amount is invert highlighted when that resource is the limit on build rate. Storage has been made smaller and vertical. Color Code Percents: efficiency rate Metal Storage full: blue Storage not-empty: green Storage empty: - > 75%: green - 50%-75%: yellow - 33%-50%: orange - < 33%: red Energy Storage full: - > 150+: blue - 110%-150%: green - < 110%: yellow Storage not-empty: - > 100%: yellow - < 100%: orange Storage empty: - > 90%: orange - < 90%: red Conflicts Not expected to work with any other economy bar replacement Obtaining - https://github.com/JustinLove/gross_economy - http://wondible.com/pa/gross_economy_v6.3.2.zip - PAMM Changes Version 6.3.2 - Fix binding error, presumed to be change in KO version - Layout triage Version 6.3.1 - Triage layout of overall efficiency for 86422 (titans); still a little wonky with eco multiplier Version 6.3.0 - Rearranged elements to emphasize resource bars. - Demand number is in number bar; supply number is larger and semi-transparent - Changed default net unit to simple. - Optional log scale - Add tag `economy` (WIP thread)
https://forums.uberent.com/threads/guide-getting-your-mod-on-pamm.55189/ Mod looks good, I'll check it out soon.
Not currently. I mainly used the central one to compare with the parts and figure out which was the limit. The individual ratios can be picked up visually between the two bars. I might at some point try fixing the scale to supply * 2 so that it's easier to read the ratio.
What does compatibility mean to you? I need to check for a review video, but I'd also be interested in how you use it - what actionable information are you using and how does EcoEff provide that more effectively?
Compatibility means the two plugins work side by side without bugs, instability, or conflicts. The main thing that Economic Efficiency does that this one doesn't is the percentage and color. Out of the corner of my eye based on the color and percentage number I easily know how my economy is doing.
I think for that I'd have to implement Floating Framework and make it a separate panel. I'm more visual, so I'm going to prefer comparing the bars to percentage numbers. I might do more with color at some point. Sometimes I think we need a "Status Bar Framework", but I have other mod ideas I want to pursue first.
Partly I've wanted to avoid dependencies, and complexity in general. Once I implemented settings, percentages would be easy. The center box would involve borrowing a bit from EcoEff.
There is a settings framework just use that. Not that hard And not complex at all. So we have only 1 eco bar mod with best of both worlds. Less conflicts. I really like the tickmarks
I'd like an option to change the grid lines to be expressed in terms of metal and energy producing buildings. So energy bars would be light ticks for T1 power plants and bold ticks for T2, and the same for metal. That way I can easily see what my economy is short by. If there were a hotkey I could use to switch between the views in-game, that'd be even better.
I initially started doing that, but I perceived having too many fabbers as a more common problem. Also energy is a lot more interesting because the various generators aren't simple multiples of each other. If tick weight was simply based on gen type, I'd have to figure out what to do when they started getting crowded. Perhaps it would be basic, advanced, and then 5x from there. Stuff to think about.