Match Prep -Keep a list of people who are regularly down to play privates. Ensure you know their class preferences. -From within that list, find 2 or 3 people whose connections are consistently high-bandwidth -Make sure everyone on your list is connected to you, either through a friends' friends list or through your own. Pre-match Set aside a good hour or two -Send messages inquiring as to who is available for a private match to everyone on your list. Wait for a reply. -If the list of people who replied is fewer than 10, you're better off trying at more convenient hours. -Choose balanced teams. This means putting heavy-hitters on opposite teams, making sure each team has at least 1 assassin, and putting the people who are butt-buddies together on the same team (here's looking at you kckzi/smokez and shammas/jordan). -Start a party. Invite the other 5 people on your team in your party. Make sure the party is kept open. Leave that party. -Start another party. Invite the 6 people in the other team into that party. Make sure that party is kept open. -Join your hosts party. Have them invite their team into your match. Wait for them all to arrive. -Join the other team party. Invite your host into the party. Have them invite the team into your match. Wait for them all to arrive. -After everyone has arrived, instruct people to go to game chat. -Ensure match options are correct -Press Start Private Match. -The teams should split right. If they do not, have the people who are crossed quit out and rejoin. They should be put into the right team this time. Post-match -Thank everyone. Ask if people had fun. Try to get them to play again. Feel free to comment on improvements to this guide. Please keep ranting to a minimum. I will be starting another thread on how broken private matches are in MNC, so we can all vent our collective frustration over there.
What really happens. Prematch -Go looking for people to play. Find out it is impossible to find 12 people who are actually good at this game, so settle for 8 good people and 4 people that have no idea how to play a non public game, but have at least prestiged. Match -Play a game where you realize that because of the crappy lobby system the teams were ridiculously stacked. 3 people quit as a result because ego has been bruised. Prematch (take 2) -Try to make teams fair while waiting another 10+ minutes waiting to replace decent people. Discover people would rather play public game then actually be challenged. Eventually find replacements. Match (take 2) -Start game up again. Realize someone went AFK without saying anything so now teams are unbalanced. Or my personal favorite, someone crashes within the first minute of the game. Either way, one team is down a man, forcing the other team to have someone in spawn (which most people are too stupid to point out and do, so you get ANOTHER unfair game). People quit, once again, ego bruised. Post Matches -Try a final time to get a decent game, but discover half your friends are trying to mimic PU5H's voice and really have no interest in the private. -Go back to public games and be bored out of your mind stomping everyone.
lol thats why you make damn sure to have a large list of good mnc players handy (your friends or your friend's friends, like the acct MNC_CROSSFIRE or MNC_PRIVATES) ive seen quite a few privates. one thing i like about mnc for steam is that it does feel like every server is a private. thats a massive win. but, there are ways to mimmic this for xbox360.
Yea, but when I play your friends, I have to explain how to win private games... which in itself is just as annoying. Too many pub stars.
Alright, everyone drop their pants and someone grab a ruler. On topic: I like this idea. If there is ever to be a community of private match players, it has to start somewhere. Especially for us "pub stars" who need to learn.
I laughed hard. Sad thing is, I read that in push's voice. I literally waited all day for a response from you. know, I can't actually deny that. However, keep in mind that most people outside of GP and Des never had the opportunity to play many private matches, so they do what works in pubs. I understand it's annoying to have to retrain people, but I think it's worth it to have more people interested in it and enjoying it. Also, for the record, wasn't that Legend guy from your side of the fence? All my guys actually stayed -_- . And didn't idle out so they could get head from their cousin... :|
ehhhhhh... Its frustrating no one has common sense. And yah Legend is some little kid that follows me around haha.