Saw it on twitch following you YUPPPIEEE EDIT: +1 for anti garat buttom on the UI lol you reclaimed scathis LOLOLOL
Awesome! It seems that the new update will bring a tons of improvements. I'm so looking forward to try it. Thanks for the streaming, Garat!
Interesting new factory art. Can't wait for the new build. Seriously, I can't wait. Literally. EDIT: Also, that AI looks positively savage now.
here is meta's stream of the same game you get to see very good aggressive play with transports by tvinita. (at about 12:18) new design for t2 bot factory!
That AI really wasn't fooling around haha. Reclaiming Scathis was an interesting sight to see. That small planet had some really funky shooting happening there.
It would be sweet if we could have an automatic continuous building to the Anti-Nuke, so that once constructed we do not have to come back, select continuous build on the UI and add some missiles to the queue. The Anti-Nuke hosts a maximum of three missiles, if I'm not mistaken. So at some point it will fill up its racks, and wait for a Nuke, and doing so consuming little to none energy. I made a proposal for a Mod, but I'm not sure UberFolks keep an eye on that part of the forum as well. I assume they're pretty busy already.