Game changing classes?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Deadpool FTW, January 22, 2011.

  1. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I want to see what some of you fine forumgoers think about this. Do you guys think that some classes can change the game if played right? I've had some situations where one person would join (either my team or the other team) and just bring the game to an end fast. Most of the time these "gamechangers" were either assassin, tank, or assault. What is all of your opinions on this matter?
  2. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    I'd say a good Assassin is the most game changing. Can single handedly win games with bot pushing/turret destruction, then just proceed to keep the ball down with shurikens.
  3. cq217

    cq217 Member

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    I totally agree, I was playing with AncientSpartan7 earlier and we joined late. Because I joined my team won amazinly
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    depends on a number of things.

    if the guy is a regular in a game of pubs, he brings to the table a higher tier of skill. yes, he will turn the table for his team.

    if the guy is an assassin against an entire team of gunners, or an assault against an entire team of snipers, or a gunner against an entire team of tanks, then he brings to the table a good match-up. he simply turns the table due to his classes advantage in the "art of war". he is rock, the enemy is scissors.

    the guy might get the team to work together for map control. a good leader and creates a good team stradegy mid-game to take the enemy by suprise and beat them while they were looking the other way, while they were overconfident. they bring to the table an ambush victory, drop the ball while the enemy thought he saw the game almost over in his favor. (note that most pubs dont have mics, so this rarely happens. after playing pc, could happen to players on those servers, but the mics are difficult right now)

    then you could have someone who is damn good at juicing and nothing else. if a team doesnt watch it, a kid can randomly join who isnt good but can juice, and once he starts there isnt an off switch. he brings to the table... well... tons of juice. wipes the enemy team and base away clean time after time, all cuz they didnt watch the bot lane.
  5. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I'll definitely join a game in progress as an assassin and feel like I'm doing all the goddamn work.
    but it's more then likely just this happening. Except not my level skill but the lack of skill in everybody else.
    Last edited: January 22, 2011
  6. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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  7. Airwags

    Airwags New Member

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    In the right hands... Sniper. They can push back bots and pros with ease, single handedly protecting a base allowing teammates to push after what seemed to be an inescapable spawn trap. I've seen it.

    Guy joined half way through a game while my team was getting massacred. Killed everything within moments. I was like "where'd they go?"
  8. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    all depends what the teams are and how many people have quit...
    good luck trying to win a game youve just joined and 3 people have just quit out of with your ball down.

    I find alot of support players are the problems of games being fail..
    Not building or hacking things.. not spawning gapshots etc...

    That alone almost wants me to change class if someone doesn't
  9. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Depends on the person much more than the class. I've joined plenty of random pub matches where our ball is already down and at half health or lower, and been able to push them back out of our base and eventually win the game. It's easy for any experienced player to turn the tide of the game if they're the only experienced player.
  10. Einarath

    Einarath New Member

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    Like many others have been saying, I consider the person behind the class much more important in factoring "game changers".
  11. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    I recently joined a game as a gunner and brought my team back to win
    It seems when one player kills someone everybody kinda works harder
  12. CosmicGreat1

    CosmicGreat1 New Member

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    Any class can be a game changer if played right, especially if a player can give a good varied offence and defense. Matches can change bcuz 1 guy decides to solely push bots, or much more, but in matches with players with even experience, I'd say the only game changing classes are both of the @$$es, @$$ault and @$$assin, they can get in an enemies defenses just long enough for the other team to offset things, especially a good @$$assin.

    I believe they do it better bcuz no other class can harass like them, and get the eff out alive, and then come back and do it again, I've done it with an Assault on Lazor Blazor, I came into a match where these gunners and a sniper were punishing, I came in and picked off the sniper and harassed him and the gunners long enough for the team to push our bots into their base. Definitely the 2 @$$es though
  13. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Some games are completely unable to be saved. When you join a lobby and see 4 assassins on your team, and there are STILL bots marching into your base, you may as well face reality: its time to find greener pastures.
  14. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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