Moons and Asteroids should not have air or atmosphere

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by Cykohed, February 2, 2014.

  1. Cykohed

    Cykohed New Member

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    Seems really wrong that the smaller moons or asteroids have atmospheres.

    It would be a great leveler if you could only build land and orbital on moon bases. With orbital being able to see the ground units...

    Especially for asteroids and small moons.

    This way it would make getting a planet smasher a bit more dynamic (not just spamming bombers)

    It would make things like the unit cannon ... not just fall victim to air.
  2. uberpenu

    uberpenu Member

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    I actually agree with this
    robber364 likes this.
  3. arausio

    arausio Member

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    100% agreed
    robber364 likes this.
  4. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    It would be pretty neat to have a biome where air has a significantly reduced role. It makes different biomes require a different method of approach. Especially for holding and contesting an asteroid or moon. It would be much harder since you can't scout and blanket everything with air, which makes the vehicle scouting unit actually worth using for once. I'd certainly like to see it tested. I'm not sure if you would lump metal planets in or you could get by saying it has artificial atmosphere.

    On the same token when gas giants make it in they would be air and orbital only.
    robber364 likes this.
  5. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    +1 Idea ;)
    robber364 likes this.
  6. Cykohed

    Cykohed New Member

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    I think any planet small enough to use as a planet smasher, it could work.
    But a moon and asteroid by my definition shouldn't have air...

    I suppose a lot this would depend on how well they sort out orbital invasions.
  7. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    Quitch likes this.
  8. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    While we are at it, lets decrease the unit sizes so that they are in proportion with actual planets. Then the earth, tropical and lava planets could theoretically be at the right size to support atmospheres too. Or you know, we could remove the whole idea of air units to begin with and not have to deal with all that sillyness.
  9. Cykohed

    Cykohed New Member

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    To clarify i think they should not have Air ... for gameplay reasons.

    Not realism.
    robber364 likes this.
  10. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    And i think they should for gameplay reasons. Simply stating that removing air from moons merely because it may solve what you might think be an issue with the unit cannon is just stupid, mainly because we have not got the unit cannon yet. Also, for gameplay reasons, why should we limit moon planets to small planets or asteroids? Large moons with no air would be impossible to play because there would be no air transports. The whole reason why large planets are impossible to play currently.
  11. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    Large planets aren't impossible to play. You build multiple forward bases, use teleporters to relocate armies if need be, set up artillery pieces and chuck nukes back and forth when things get too heavy - assuming you aren't launching them from a moon you've conquered in the interim. Large planets are only impossible to play because of lag.

    Removing air from small moons doesn't change much anyway. Moons are largely featureless, and air units treat all planets as featureless; moons are small, and air units already treat planets as small due to their speed. Nothing is lost except for easy victories.
    Pendaelose, ace63 and broadsideet like this.
  12. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    good lord, what have you been smoking? We know about forward bases, but the biggest problem is that if the enemy (like any person with a little logic in their play) builds factories in their main base for defence anyway, how the hell are you supposed to create a large enough force to oppose this when it take you 10mins(even longer if you are running damn ground fabbers across to build it) to get set up properly? Air-transports are required for large planets, and it IS the reason nobody plays them in the competetive scene. Sure teleporters help alot, but do not expect them to stay this cheap, because for what they are and do, they are incredibly over-powered. Large planets should not be forced into a nuke fest either.

    As for saying moons should only be small planets is just rediculous, i love moons, and i certainly dont want to be forced into midget planets because of them.
  13. leighzer

    leighzer Member

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    Limiting the units a player can build limits variety. Limiting variety leads to a less deep game. Forget realism, this game is smashing planets together. Keep the variety.
  14. muhatib

    muhatib Member

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    oh. maybe we need some off/on button!
    you want air you can turn on.......
  15. cyprusblue

    cyprusblue New Member

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    An advantage of no atmosphere, is no drag on projectiles...
  16. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    I have to disagree with this. More options does not mean more variety. If I go to a buffet and there is one cheeze pizza and over 50 flavors of dogshit I don't see much variety in what I'm having for dinner. For variety to be real you need incentives to use the other options. This is lacking right now and it kills variety.

    With the current balance aircraft is the 100% go to answer for small moons and huge planets alike. It doesn't matter if 1000 new units are added, if air remains the "best" choice then we don't have variety at all.
    RMJ likes this.
  17. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    It shouldn't take 10 minutes to get across the planet. You build some Skitters, locate the enemy base, and send a small fabber team to a forward base position while sending others out to snatch up metal. If the opponent turtles up, he's handed you the map and you have more than enough funding to crush the factories in his base over time, using forward artillery and reenforcements from across the planet. If he doesn't turtle up, then it's an evenly match ground battle as you each fight over mexes and staging points for artillery/factories.

    As for small =/= moon, the main reasoning for featureless planets being small and vice versa is that most of the large terrain features don't fit properly on tiny planets. Ever seen a size 300 Mountain planet? Metal planets even remove the equatorial band on tiny sizes to make them playable. Conversely, a large and featureless planet doesn't give you any interesting terrain to work with - you can march in a straight line in any direction to your opponent, and they'll build defenses facing you in a straight line.
  18. leighzer

    leighzer Member

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    ^^Isn't that the definition of variety?? More possible outcomes/possible strategies lead to more variety. Seeing different strategies used rather than pure ground forces on moons will be much more entertaining and strategically stimulating.

    Then we can further balance air so it isn't OP, not remove it entirely.
    Last edited: February 4, 2014
  19. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    Variety doesn't just mean having more to choose from... my point above was that "more to choose from" doesn't result in variety unless you have a reason to choose the other options.

    Diversifying the gameplay between planet types means we can have planets that play differently from each other and that we will use new and distinct strategies on each planet. 5 decorative skins for my identical sphere adds no variety to the game. It simply means that the same units and strategies for one planet will be the same on every other planet.
  20. leighzer

    leighzer Member

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    True, I was arguing under the tense that air would be balanced correctly into the game, thus the choice of going other routes was viable also.

    The planet types are more than just skins. Ex. Metal planets and the death laser.

    In my eyes removing units isn't the best way introduce variety. Proper balance and thinking of planet specific mechanics (metal planet death lazer, volcanoes erupting, fog rolling in on tropical planets) are what I think will have the most variety. Removing a tool a player can use now just because it isn't balanced right at this second doesn't mean it's going to lead to a deeper game than the game that does have balanced air.

    Saying to remove air is the easy way out of balancing it, and ultimately PA's gameplay will suffer for it.
    beer4blood likes this.

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