Another Ideas&Suggestions Thread (Repair Tower and Second Screen support)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sunsun, February 2, 2014.

  1. sunsun

    sunsun New Member

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    so some of the TA players here might remember some of those "Total Conversion" unit packs and similar,

    one thing I loved a lot because it would reduce micromanagement a lot in situations where you'd like it, was the small tower you could build that in a close vicinity automatically repaired all units and helped with buildings units in fabs, this would put a lot of ease on the micro management issue of the TA series (and it's successors, this being the greatest i've seen, surpassing TA easily), especialy with the added interplanetary warfare it's a lot harder to micro manage everything properly (this why big team matches are so fun)
    having one of these towers or a few, disabled/enabled on a whim can give a big advantage to micromanagement as well as freeing up builders (from long travels or whatever)

    Also I would love to see a second screen support (in the distant, distant, distant future) where you could have a view of the universe or be on a second planet, this obviously would give players with more than one monitor a big advantage, but that could be lessened by virtual 2nd screens or implementing snapshot locations you can quickly return to (which is solved by a mod and probably in engine soon too)

    anyway, i'll post other ideas I have here too and encourage people to do the same, I'd change the Topic to reflect that, a general discussion thread would be nice. (I'd put the ideas in a neat list with short explanation)

    t2 support tower (repair/support fab processes)
    second screen support for more strategical potential
    carlorizzante likes this.
  2. sunsun

    sunsun New Member

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    Geothermal Power Plant (or Vulcanic!)
    Tidal Power Plant (give water tide power and change it depending on moon/sun planet alignment, depending on mass (up to damaging land structures? see below @bad idea,))
    Catastrophes (smaller meteroid shower, vulcanic explosion, probably a bad idea for this game)

    Make buildbots unqueue first queue (when unit is finished) if it's a fabrication plant and new buildings have been queued. (since TA I forgot to unqueue from a fab occasionaly and that leads to a lot of buildbots helping out with one thing and letting me think there's lots of buildings underway, but they will never even start to build, I can't be the only one, this is imho an important micromanagement issue)

    Add the ability to change gamespeed prematch.

    Prevent or limit the selfdestruct of commanders in team matches (you know how some people build 50 adv. buildbots, don't go for power asap and it ends up with -300k energy? then bitch about it, start interfering in other controllers business, delete builders, then something breaks totally and they delete the commanders? it sucks, self destruct should be logged if it's more than x units and it also needs a report function orignore/notice/neverplayagainbutton/, for now i have that notice mod)

    perhaps be able to repair metal planets? (engine!) make metal extraction possible everywhere there

    perhaps give commander more versatility/small radar/sonar/torpedo/tactical nuclear grnade/drones/upgrades/shield/equip options?
    Last edited: February 3, 2014
  3. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    The Repairing Tower sounds interesting.

    You mean that one could put those towers nearby factories and boost their productions as well?
  4. sunsun

    sunsun New Member

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    Yeah exactly and it would take care of repairing defense (the combat fab bots do a good job tho)
    having a few of those near fabs could really help with prioritizing certain work orders

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