I am running arch linux if it matters and have tried in both firefox and chrome. In both browsers I get 'Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.': i . imgur . com / uFfBxhz.png as soon as I click the sign in through steam button here: uberent . com / user / LinkSteam I tried looking for an email or something else in the FAQs but everything just pointed me to that link with no alternate if that didn't work. Had to edit the URLs as it wouldn't allow me to post otherwise
Possible you just need to wait a bit and try again later. Unfortunately sometimes Steam services is down
Unfortunately no. I've tried a few more times since posting and at one point I got to the steam sign in page but as soon as I click sign in after entering credentials I got the same message. Firefox is my 'backup' browser in case chrome acts up so all of these were a fresh opening of Firefox. In addition I went as far as clearing all cookies in Firefox but that leaves me with the same issue as before and made no difference.
Well I finally got it to work but I would hardly call it fixed. I spammed refresh/back/that button for a solid 10 minutes until I got through. To any other poor bastard stuck in this hell the more precise steps are below: I recommend signing into steam before all of this (at steampowered dot com) On screen with button that redirects to steam if you get error hit back followed by the button over and over until redirected to steam. Once on steam 3/4 of the battle is done. Now click the button below and if you get the same error there, just keep spamming refresh until it brings you back to a screen that looks similar to the start screen except this time it should say your account is now linked.
I think it's good idea to send this with more of information to Uber support: http://support.uberent.com/open.php It's clearly not usual thing, might be there is something wrong especially with your account.
I've encountered the same bug as you, though I'm also on Arch Linux (highfive!) it appears to be duplicated with all the browsers I've tried in both Windows and MacOS X. Too bad, I'm really looking forward to this game.
We're currently experiencing a higher volume of users on our servers and have seen some connectivity issues with it. For anyone trying to link accounts, I know it can be frustrating, but please keep trying. We are currently working to resolve this as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience as we work on this.
Double-edged - on the one hand its a pain that people are struggling. On the other, lots of people is good!