I recently read the story of the chess duel between human and machine . As is well known , the human player finally lost . But there is something that can win at chess both with the best human and the best machine . It turned out that at present the most effective is the tandem of human and computer . And here 's my idea to increase the number of people potentially interested in PA . The game assisted by AI. Playing on the same basis as teamplay now , with the difference that only one Commander. I see it like this: AI is doing his job . Player has the ability to intervene at any time and place but: any unit or structure , on which a player takes control even once , it will not come back under the control of AI. The idea is that the AI did not change our decision. Of course , a person can once again restore the AI control over the unit or structure. The player can control the army, leaving the expansion for the computer, or take control of a group of fabs and realize their vision. He can also control the production in factories etc. It can also do nothing his choice. This would offer for players who can not cope with the size of the PA skirmishes, and are exposed to constant disappointment. I think that the implementation of such functionality should not requires a great deal of work. Of course, as regards the simplest form. On the other hand, I've never seen anything like this. Perhaps for many players who will never reach a satisfactory level of play, it would be helpful. Please be tolerant about my language .
I would be very happy if this were to be implemented. I love strategy games, but PA is just a little out of my skill zone (I still love it though) and stepping in to make key decisions or leading an attack would be very nice.