Gameplay Issue: Orbital transfers to moons that have been launched

Discussion in 'Support!' started by portable, January 10, 2014.

  1. portable

    portable Active Member

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    I was just in a 2x2 team game where I moved one of our comms to one of our moons. The moon had 3 halleys on it, so I sent it to annihilate one of the other planets in the system. However, my comm had already started moving.

    About 15 minutes later (long transfer), the comm looped around the planet once, and then headed off towards where the (long gone) moon had been... and then just continued out into space. Eventually, it seemed to just orbit the Sun.


    Suggestion: Allow the Astralas to change destinations mid-transfer using some new booster rockets (or whatever). Make it selectable from the System view. Let us "delete" Commanders that are still in an orbital transfer to end games that are lost anyway.
  2. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    You know your whole team can just leave?

    After approximately 10 minutes with no player connected it seems the server destroys the commander
  3. portable

    portable Active Member

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    I don't know about you, but I'd rather lose a game than abandon it. Ever play chess? There is a resign option.
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Deleting your commander is abandoning the game.

    I.e. you can delete your commander in a game that is lost anyway simply by leaving the server. 10 minutes later, the other player may still be there, and your commander is destroyed. Easy money.

    Unfortunately, no ability to review game. It isn't perfect, but there are other issues with orbital commanders that are far from perfect anyway, si I'm sure uber will review this stuff.
  5. jacobfriend

    jacobfriend New Member

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    Definitely not 10 mins, had a game the other night where 3 of us were left, 1 guy had his com bug in this way while i wiped out his base, he left but thematch went on another 45 mins till i took out the other guy, all this time 1st comm was still floating in space, i then quit to end the game.
  6. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Oh ok.... I assumed so based on what I've seen happen.
  7. portable

    portable Active Member

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    So, to recap, (1) commanders cannot be selected when in orbit which means that (2) they cannot be deleted, (3) it's possible to glitch an orbital transfer such that it never completes, (4) leaving a game confers no guarantee that your commander will be destroyed after some time limit, (5) trolls can use the previous facts to optimize tear extraction (griefing), and (6) players in a winning position are forced to lose to complete the game.

    Suggestion: Provide a timeout that is started when all of a player's assets are in orbital transfers which ends the game with a defeat when it expires. Let the timer reset whenever any unit lands.

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